Honour Amongst Friends

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Author's Note:

Chapter specific C/W: Character death (secondary character), violence.

As a reminder, Worf is not aware of Kurn's existence at this point in the story. So all of his comments regarding family and brothers should be taken in that context.

I also couldn't help but poke a bit of fun at the unresolved issue of Klingon naming traditions. It's meant to be tongue and cheek. Please enjoy!

And now the conclusion...


"I know, I know," Tasha said.

She hissed as Data applied the cold pack to her foot.

"Perhaps I should talk with him?" Data suggested.

Tasha shook her head.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Tasha said.

She knew Data meant well. But she also understood that Worf was upset and needed his space.

Data reached up to brush Tasha's bangs back.

"You are bothered by this," Data observed.

Tasha looked up and nodded.

"Yeah. I guess," she said.

"I do not have to guess, I can tell," Data retorted.

"Have you ever had a fight with Geordi?" Tasha asked.

"Not that I can recall," Data answered honestly.

In fact, Data was certain they had never been at odds with one another.

Tasha took hold of his hand.

"Don't ever let it get to one," Tasha urged. "Because it feels wretched."

Tasha flopped back against her sofa.

"He just so wants to impress these Klingons," Tasha confessed. "I guess Korris is some big deal."

It was like a lightbulb suddenly flipped on in Data's mind.

"Korris," he said aloud.

"Yeah," Tasha said. "I dunno. Worf said he came from an important house."

She didn't fully understand the inner workings of the Klingon Houses and their relationship to the power of the council – but she likened them to the clans on Turkana and could see why Worf would be keen to befriend Korris.

"Korris," Data repeated.

He turned his attention out the window.

"Honey?" Tasha asked.

She could practically hear him thinking.

"It will take another day for Starfleet's answers to reach us. But we are within range to contact the Klingons," Data said.


Over on the phaser rifle range, Worf was working out his anger as he showed off his impressive skill to Konmel and Korris.

"You have quite a knack for this," Korris said.

"My father taught me," Worf replied.

"You mean the human?" Korris asked.

"My father," Worf repeated.

"The human? Or your real father?" Konmel asked in a mocking tone.

"Yes," Worf replied stiffly.

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