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Author's Note: And now the conclusion of our flashback.

This marks the end of the big flashbacks. From here on out, it's back to the Enterprise-D for some Romulan conspiracy action!

You'll notice a throwback here to the start of the flashback. This is intentional. I wanted to repeat most of what I felt was a powerful scene now that we have a full picture of what led to that moment.

There's a line spoken by Tasha that is taken from The White Princess. It was so fitting. I adored the sentiment but could not rework the metaphor in any way to carry the same oomph.

The entirety of Tasha & Castillo's doomed romance will be explored in full in The Crease in the Fabric of Time.


Please be advised this chapter is the DARKEST portion of this story.

Read with caution.

Content Warning: Strong language, violence, abuse, child abuse, CSA, sexual assault, torture, graphic injury, enucleation, pregnancy/childbirth, miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, self-harm, suicide, character death, murder.


"They're coming for Sela," Tasha realised aloud.

Tasha had nowhere to hide her. She could not stow Sela away. There were surrounded by unliveable terrain in every direction and miles from the nearest Romulan city.

Even if Tasha thought they could make it on their own out in the wilderness, it was late winter. Living on their own was dangerous. Tasha was now blind.

And Sela was far too little.

"They will be coming for her," Richard agreed.

Tasha shook her head and backed away.

"No. No I won't let them. I can't," Tasha said as panic gripped her mind.

Sela squirmed. Mum was holding her too tight again.

Tasha grabbed her guide cane and started off down the row in the opposite direction of camp. She was heading for the woods.

"I'll stay along the river," Tasha said, mumbling her plan aloud. "We can use it to hide from the dogs."

Richard blinked slowly.

He was torn. Tasha would never make it out there on her own. And any attempt to escape was likely to bring Morak's wrath.

Richard could tell she wasn't thinking straight. The Tasha Yar he knew would never simply abandon camp without a plan or supplies.

"Tasha, wait!" Richard called out in a hushed whisper.

He rushed after her, but Tasha showed no signs of stopping. She was speaking to Sela in a soft voice.

"I love you, Sela. I love you so very much," Tasha went on. "And mummy is not going to let them take you away."

"Bye bye?" Sela asked.

She didn't understand.

"If anyone tries to pick you up I want you to hit. And bite. Do you understand?" Tasha asked.

"But hitting bad," Sela answered with a frown.

The world was a confusing place for wee Sela. And at the moment, mum wasn't making much sense.

"Tasha, wait," Richard repeated.

He knew it was too late.

Tasha stopped and wrapped her arms around Sela. She breathed deep, trying hard to denote to memory everything.

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