I'll Sleep When I'm Dead

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Author's Note: You can't see me right now (which is good because I look like one of those whacky inflatable arm creatures).

I am beyond relieved to have finally finished Enterprise-C survivors arc. I loved it, but I'm thrilled we get to advance to the next part of this story­!


Wait? I thought Contagion was a Pulaski episode?

Contagion has always been one of my favourite episodes. I'm taking it out of turn in this series and moving it from S2 to S1. I felt it fit better in this space than waiting a year in-universe.

Varley gave a sneak peek at Jean-Luc in terms of his friendships and fascination with archaeology. But more than that, I've always felt Varley represented something more. He pursued his quest for knowledge at the risk of his ship and all those aboard.

And he paid for it with his life (and his crew).

Throughout TNG, Picard is tempted with this choice time and again. S2 gets a lot of flak for some episode missteps. But I think Contagion largely holds up. Like Lonely Among Us and The Chase, Picard demonstrates that he knows where to draw the line.

He's not willing to sacrifice 'everything' for the pursuit of discovery. He's got a limit and that's not necessarily a bad thing in a leader.

At the end of the day, Picard cares most about protecting the people who have put their faith in him.

And I thought that was the best possible mirror for an arc where that same crew begins to question that faith and Jean-Luc's leadership.

Alas... the burden of command.


Peanut Butter, hot sauce, and... tuna?

Yes, Tasha and Data are still completely unaware of the pregnancy.

ICYMI, the last chapter established it has been three months since Hero Worship.

That means Tasha is just about to enter her second trimester.

Considering there really aren't any signs until the six-to-eight-week mark, it really hasn't been all that long (even if it seems like a long time on our end).

With that said, each day brings them closer to learning the truth. (But still quite a way off!)

And away we go...


I am Captain Tryla Scott of the USS Renegade.

This is a direct appeal to the captains of the Enterprise, the Thomas Paine, and the Yamato – I know that you are afraid. I know that you feel alone. That it seems like walls are closing in around you and that you have nowhere to turn.

You have feared – and rightful so – the possibility of outside influence exerting control over Starfleet Command operations.

I know that you are only trying to protect your people.

I shared those same fears and the same hesitation.

Captain Picard clicked to pause the transmission.

Deanna's eyes narrowed as she studied the face of the young Captain on screen.

"She looks... foggy," Deanna settled on. "Her speech pattern is rehearsed. If I didn't know any better, I would think that she had been sedated."

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