Nine Decks or Ninety-Thousand Lightyears

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Author's Note: Thank you for your continued support with this series. All of your reviews, likes, kudos, and messages are wonderful!  

Never fear! In the end, in this series, the heroes will always win. Walsh will get his comeuppance (eventually).

However, our crew is going to run into a wee bit of an unexpected distraction on their way to Starbase 118. 

In keeping with our slightly AU series one timeline, this chapter takes place between The Traveller and Hide & Q.

This chapter isn't as typically long as my other chapters. It's a momentary reprieve from the drama before our crew encounters an old frenemy who wants to play a game.

Looking ahead (and to answer some questions re: the upcoming hearing). 'Measure of A Man' is going to be a part of this story – and OMG I can't begin to describe how excited I am for it! But we've got a way to go before we get there. It will be its own standalone story in the series.

Originally, I intended it to be a two-part chapter but it's nearly five chapters now, so I thought it best to separate it.

Not to talk myself up, but it's fast becoming one of my favourite things I've written. I'll be posting it once we reach that area of our story.

As always, if you like my works or want to stay up to date with art, comics, or just like chatting about the fandom you can like/follow at or @TheTartanTart on Twitter.


"That's great, Wes," Geordi said as he watched Wesley manoeuvre through the asteroid field. "Hold her steady. Just like that."

They were on the Holodeck helping Wes train on the helm and navigation controls. It would be one of his first duties as a new acting ensign.

The holodeck programme in play was set up to replicate the bridge of the Enterprise. Geordi was standing next to Wes at the helm.

"Warp one point five, sir," Data advised from the operations position.

Commander Riker was seated in the command chair.

Behind him, Tasha and Miles were at the Tactical and Science stations.

"Romulan warbird decloaking two thousand kilometres ahead," Tasha advised.

"It's closing fast," Miles added as he read the simulated sensor readings.

"They are powering weapons," Data informed them.

"Shields up. Red alert! Mister Crusher, evasive pattern delta four two one eight," Riker ordered.

The klaxons began to sound.

Wesley punched in the appropriate command into his console to start the first movement in the sequence.

The ship lurched as it sought to avoid the plasma torpedo fire from the Romulan warship.

Wesley moved into the second movement of the series intended to avoid the typical Romulan attack pattern.

He jerked as the ship shook, taking a hit.

"Shields holding, eighty-seven percent," Tasha reported.

They didn't have enough speed to complete the next movement and the ship took another hit.

"Damage reported on decks fourteen through seventeen," Miles called out.

"Mister Crusher, get us out of here," Riker commanded.

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