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Author's Note: Eeeee! I am so excited to be here. This is one of those chapters I've had waiting since the earliest days of The Complication.

Once more, this is an episode I'm taking out of order. However, I believe that the reasons behind that choice will become apparent in time.

While this chapter is predominantly about fluff and family, I don't want to display the circumstances of Timothy's position. It's awful. Fortunately, he's got Data to help get him through it.

A note on time:

In this series, the timeline is extended. There's over a year of time between Encounter at Farpoint at Data & Tasha getting together around the events of The Lonely Among Us.

Additionally, Data and Tasha have been together for over a year now. The events of The Case coincide with that anniversary.

So as we approach the end of S1, imagine the team has been together for nearly three years.


"Once. Ten days ago," Data answered, informing Deanna how many nightmares he'd had since their last session.

"And what happened?" Deanna inquired.

"After I awoke, Tasha was there. She heard me," Data reached for Tasha's hand and pulled it toward his lap. "We made some tea and spoke for a while before going back to bed."

Deanna was delighted.

"Data, did you notice that you answered my question by telling me what you did after the nightmare rather than the content of it?" Deanna asked.

Data's face lit up.

It was a step in the right direction.

"Then perhaps I will be able to without experiencing them at all by the time we-"

Data stopped himself.

He'd been so excited he nearly outed their plans to elope. Save for Captain Picard (whom they needed to notify), the only person that knew was Geordi.

They longed to share the news with their friends – but only after the fact. And it didn't feel right revealing the truth to Deanna in therapy.

"By the time you do what?" Deanna prompted, sensing they were holding something back.

Data and Tasha turned to one another and smiled.

"What are you two planning?" Deanna inquired.

"A lifetime of happiness," Tasha answered cryptically.


It wasn't long before the timer went off and their hour was up.

"I'm sorry," Deanna apologised. "I do have another appointment, so you'll have to, well-"

She glanced to the door.

"Right," Tasha said.

"Of course, forgive us," Data added.

As soon as the were in the corridor, Data pulled Tasha into a small alcove that was near the door to Deanna's office.

They were cautious about public displays of affection – especially when they were on duty. But as of late, Data's quarters were off limits, and he didn't get much of a chance to slip away to see Tasha.

Tasha giggled as Data's lips travelled down her jawline.

"You know this feels a bit like when we first started seeing each other," Tasha said. "You know, sneaking around."

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