Diabolus ex Machina

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Author's Note: Wow. A million words. I'm so grateful for all of you.

You have my sincerest gratitude for all your interest and support on this series.

And now part two...


"I've analysed the firing pattern and I believe we are dealing with a weapons system created by the manufacturers on Minos," Worf announced.

"You're suggesting this is artificial intelligence?" Deanna inquired.

"And what? It's gone rogue?" Miles asked.

Worf paused. Their conversation was starting to tread down a path he had no desire to explore.

"I am not really qualified to determine what it is or isn't," Worf said, choosing his words carefully. "Nor can I speak to its motivation."

"But?" Geordi prompted.

He understood Worf had a reason for introducing this information.

"Minos has always specialised in producing complete weapons systems – both for defensive and offensive purposes," Worf explained.

Their products were known far and wide. The Minosian people had a passion for never ceasing in their pursuit to create a bigger, better, more deadly weapon.

But defensive technology was where the money was at. For the bulk of people on the Enterprise, the accumulation of wealth was a strange concept – especially when it came from dealings arms.

Yet even planets with no use or desire to make war still had defensive needs. Planets from the likes of Parliament to Risa depended on orbital defence systems from Minos.

"There was a lot of speculation about a new weapons platform from Minos at the last Tactical Conference on Andor," Worf shared.

He and Tasha hadn't given it much thought – promises of smarter, more efficient killing systems came and went.

This new system from Minos had been pitched as a game-changer, something that would shake up the industry. Details were scant because it was still in the R&D phase.

But what little information that had leaked out shared a number of alarming similarities to their mysterious attacker.

"It was said to utilise a revolutionary new predictive AI with orbital, ground, and surface-to-air delivery systems," Worf said. "Highly advanced. Unstoppable."

"Well advanced is right," Miles said as he sat forward. "Whatever it was, it used some sort of transport inhibitor to interfere with our system."

"And it's responsive enough to elude a phaser lock," Lieutenant Jae added.

"Mmm," Geordi murmured in agreement.

He turned his attention to Miles.

"How are the repairs coming?" Geordi asked.

With his duties on the Bridge and the inability to use the Transporters, Geordi had tasked Miles with temporarily overseeing the Engineering section.

"We sustained heavy damage to aft portion of the ship," Miles answered.

Decks Seventeen through Twenty-three had taken a considerable hit.

"We've evacuated what we can and sealed off those portions of the ship where the hull fractured," Miles said. "But we've got people trapped on Deck Twenty-three. And with the transporters down, I can't beam them over to a safer part of the ship."

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