The Variable

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A/N: Thanks for reading! Set post Code of Honour. This is an amateur-made work of fanfiction. Data/Tasha angst & fluff. Content warning: discussion of the polywater incident.


Data looked at her for the first time since Geordi had exited the room.

"Am I the 'complication' of which you spoke?" Data asked. 

Tasha blinked.

She did not need to register what Data had asked. She knew full well to what he was referring.

"I said there would be complications," she replied, emphasising the plural and avoiding the question.

"I have noticed that humans sometimes use the plural form of a word when they are attempting to-" Data had started to say but stopped.

He could perceive she was tense.

"Have I embarrassed you?" he asked.

"You told Captain Picard?" Tasha said incredulously.

Tasha was mortified.

Captain Picard and Tasha had known one another since her time at the Academy. She considered him a role model and mentor.

She was utterly ashamed of her behaviour during the polywater incident with the Tsiolkovsky - and now Data had shared the details of that mistake with the Captain she admired.

She was lucky her career in Starfleet wasn't over. Not that she didn't trust Captain Picard, but she felt betrayed.

"It was not my intention to betray your confidence," Data replied. "But Captain Picard refused to accept my resignation and ordered me to disclose the reason behind my request. I informed him that I had violated Starfleet regulation 1138. He ordered my to disclose the name of the other party involved and he was able to piece together what I had left out."

"Wait, Data. Your resignation?" Tasha asked as her anger dissipated.

"Yes. Officers are prohibited from engaging in fraternisation with those that serve in their direct chain of command. As Second Officer and Chief Operations Officer, you are directly under my command. I have emotionally injured you. Because of my failure, resignation was the only appropriate action," Data said flatly as if he were explaining a routine engineering procedure.

Tasha was at a loss for words. She had no idea that Data had attempted to resign. She felt horrible.

"Data, I," she paused, unsure of how to proceed. "The failure was not your fault-"

"If I may continue, I," he said as he rose and took a step toward her. He turned his head away briefly before looking back to make eye contact, "regret my actions and the feelings I have caused you."

"I'm the one that should be apologising," Tasha said as she threw her arms up. "It was my failure."

She began to pace in front of his workstation as she ran her hand through her hair.

"I outrank you, Lieutenant. The fault is mine," Data said in a tone that indicated the conversation was done. "When combined with the information you have disclosed about your past and my understanding of the situation on Turkana, I cannot stress how sorry I am for having caused you any trauma."

Tasha stopped.

"Look, I'm fine!" Tasha said emphatically.

"With all due respect, Lieutenant, you are not fine," Data replied matter-of-factly.

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