The Shield

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Author's Note: Aggghhhhh! It feels so good to be back!

Now that The Case is finished – here we are!

I want to warn you – there are spoilers in this chapter for The Case.

We're picking up after the Enterprise has left Starbase 173. This is intended to be a mostly feel-good chapter in the style of the classic sci fi formula where something harmless inevitably goes wrong. It's my take on the trope we've seen used in the likes of Eureka's Try, Try Again, SG-1's Upgrades, Sanctuary's The Hero, and a gillion other sci-fi shows.

So where are we headed now that The Case is complete?

Here's the roadmap for the next six weeks:

Mummy Dearest: Birthdays, new assignments, engagements, and an emergency on the Bridge – it's just another day on the Enterprise as relayed by Deanna in a letter to her mother.

All Kinds of Weather: A visit from Geordi's sister to the Enterprise is a pleasure for everyone – except Geordi. The notion of family has both Data and Tasha thinking about their own estranged siblings.

Coming of Age: Wes prepares for his entrance exams to Starfleet Academy. New information forces the team to rethink the Romulan Conspiracy.

Heart of Glory: When three rogue Klingons leave Worf with uncomfortable questions, the crew are there to remind him that the Enterprise is home.

Arsenal of Freedom: A computerised weapons system proves more than a match for the crew. With the Captain, Commander Riker, and Doctor Crusher injured, it's up to Data and Tasha to save them. Meanwhile, Geordi's in command.


"Congratulations on your acceptance to Starfleet Academy," Captain Picard said as he shook Wesley's hand.

"Thank you, sir," Wes smiled.

Worf handed him a plate with a massive piece of cake. Worf watched as Wesley's eyes diverted over to Commander Riker and then back down to the cake at hand.

"Chocolate raspberry," Worf assured him. "Homemade. Made by me."

Wes relaxed.

The last time Commander Riker had made a cake for an occasion had resulted in the Marmite cake incident.

"The schematics on your project are phenomenal," Geordi said.

"Do you intend to start your coursework at the Academy immediately or pursue your research fellowship at the Daystrom Institute?" Data inquired.

Starfleet Academy.

The Daystrom Institute.

The Vulcan Science Academy.

They all wanted him.

"You've got a lot of options," Geordi commented.

"Thanks," Wes replied.

He was beaming with pride.

All of sudden, the klaxons began to blare as there was a ship wide red alert.


Wes sat upright in bed and caught his breath.

It was all a dream. Wes realised.

He fell back against his pillow and stared up at the ceiling. It had been a pleasant enough dream. Wesley's experiment had proved a success and catapulted him into the spotlight of discovery.

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