The Game

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Author's Note: Thank you for your continued support with this series. All of your reviews, likes, kudos, and messages are wonderful!

I cannae believe we're here! 


Finally we have reached Q!

Q is going to play quite a sporadic – yet important – role throughout this series. He's one of my favourite characters to write. I recall a TNG panel where de Lancie discussed the reason they used Q so sparingly was they didn't want to lose the idea of him being so powerful. They were concerned too much back and forth between Q and Picard (and crew) would lead to the audience viewing Q as less than 'almighty.'


I think he's fascinated by humans in general, with a particular soft spot for our crew. Although this is our first chapter featuring him, I intend to use Q more than canon gave us.

This chapter is a mix of ups and downs. It was a joy to weave together.

I hope you enjoy it half as much as I did in writing it. It's another two-parter!

Friendly reminder, this is a retelling of series one. That means we're taking liberties with canon. My intention in this chapter is for Q to 'test' all of the main Bridge crew rather than just Commander Riker.

C/W: As part of Q's "game" he offers them the opportunity to change events in their past. Some of these include canonical events like Jack Crusher's death and Geordi surviving a fire as a child. Others are original. Just be advised there are some dark memories explored here.

As always, if you like my works or want to stay up to date with art, comics, or just like chatting about the fandom you can like/follow at or @TheTartanTart on Twitter.


"Emergency. Full stop!" Captain Picard ordered as they approached the grid.

"Reversing power, sir," Geordi acknowledged as he punched in the command to bring them to a full stop.

It was no easy feat at warp nine, but Geordi didn't want to take a chance of hitting Q's forcefield.

"Not now, dammit Q!" Picard said frustrated as he leapt to his feet.

"Shields and deflectors up, sir," Tasha cautioned.

There was a blinding flash of light followed by a mysterious object emerging in front of them. It had three feathers that seemed to dance in an invisible breeze.

"Humans, I thought by now you would have scampered back to your own little star system," said the familiar yet unwelcome voice of Q.

"If this is Q I'm addressing, we are on a mission of rescue where a group is badly injured," Picard said angrily. "We don't have time for your games!"

Picard was agitated. He knew that every minute counted in their reaching the colony on time. The longer they were delayed, the less likely they would be able to rescue trapped survivors.

But none of that mattered to the omnipotent Q.

"We the Q have studied our recent contact with you and are impressed," Q stated. "We have much to discuss, including perhaps the realisation of your most impossible dream."

A sense of trepidation fell upon the Bridge crew.

Captain Picard sighed.

"However intriguing that may be, we are now in the midst of an urgent journey," Picard argued. "Once that is complete, then, perhaps."

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