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Author's Note: And now the conclusion.

This chapter is all about healing and reconnecting – both in the sense of connection with one's self (Data and Kareen) as well as Data reconnecting with Tasha.

There's a brief glimpse of Tasha's dark side in this chapter. I don't want to give away too much in terms of what's to come later er: Turkana.

Just know that Tasha is capable of anything when it comes to protecting her loved ones (something we'll see again with the likes of people like Kivas Fajo, Ardra, the Soongs... basically anyone that threatens Data).


Data sat up and glanced around.

I am in the Brig.

Data recognised the cell walls and forcefield that functioned as a door.

Fitting. He thought.

Data glanced down at his hand. He made a fist and then retracted his fingers, testing if he were really in control.

Data quickly pulled himself up and walked to the edge of the cell.

"I must speak with Captain Picard," he requested.

Lieutenant Wu was currently on duty.

"I'll let him know you wish to see him," she responded with no great sense of urgency.

"I need to see him now, Lieutenant," Data insisted.

There was no telling how long Data had before Graves regained control. He suspected Geordi had scrambled his neural pathways with a focused plasma blast. Data also surmised that the shock of that experience had temporarily stunned Ira Graves allowing Data to resurface.

He had to make the best of his time.

"Lieutenant, I must speak with him now. This is a matter of great urgency," Data said.

"I will let him know," Lieutenant Wu repeated.

She wasn't just giving him a line. She had sent a written communique to the Bridge relaying Data's request. It was standard procedure for any department seeking an audience with the Captain.

"Lieutenant, you must tell Captain Picard that there is another force occupying my mind. I suspect that through the use of an advanced and untested neural transference process-"

Lieutenant Wu blinked slowly as Data quickly blurted out all the information he felt was relevant. She only understood about half of what Data was saying – and he sounded deranged.

Data could see that she wasn't buying it.

"Uh huh," Lieutenant Wu nodded. "I'll be sure to let the Captain know."

"Forgive me, Lieutenant. But I do not have time to wait," Data said.

In a flash, he punched through cell wall to reach a panel that housed the power circuits for the forcefield. He ripped them clean out and then stepped through.

Before Lieutenant Wu could even draw her phaser, Data had incapacitated her with a well-placed neck pinch.

"I am sorry," Data said as he set her down against the wall.

Data removed her combadge and immediately headed for the door. They had taken his communicator upon his detainment. Data knew there was one message he had to be sure to relay.

"Data to Lieutenant Yar," he said.

There was no response.

"Tasha, this is Data. Please respond," he said, greeted only by silence.

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