The Ruling

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Author's Note: Thank you for your continued support with this series. All of your reviews, likes, kudos, and messages are wonderful!

Here we are. The conclusion to the hearing arc of "The Complication."

There are references in this to "The Complication – Missing Scenes" by Lady_Lore. If you haven't read that story, I would highly recommend it! There's a beautiful scene from that story regarding Tasha's time on Ligon II (The Code of Honour planet) and I wanted to reference it here.

So what's next on our roadmap? 

We're going to see Angel One, an original adventure that introduces a romantic interest for Geordi, the visit of Worf's parents, and Haven including the introduction of Lwaxana Troi.

This story is AU. Please suspend your disbelief re: canon for a fun wee character cameo in this instalment.

As always, if you like my works or want to stay up to date with art, comics, or just like chatting about the fandom you can like/follow at or @TheTartanTart on Twitter.


The door chimed again.

"I'll get it," Picard said quickly as he stepped over to the door. "Enter."

"Well, there's a sight you don't see every day," Beverly Crusher smiled as she saw the Captain attempting to burp the baby.

"Lesal!" a voice cried out.

An elderly woman pushed past Doctor Crusher and rushed forward to the baby in the Captain's arms.

Captain Picard handed her over willingly as the woman began to weep.

He looked over shoulder to see Doctor Crusher was beaming.

A second later, an elderly Bajoran man stepped into the room.

The commotion was enough to rouse Tasha and the little boy from their slumber.

He wiped the sleep out of his eyes and looked around.

"Papa!" he cried as he spied the elderly couple.

He was so excited he rolled off the couch and stumbled onto the carpet.

With a great heave, the older man lifted the boy up into the air and they rubbed their noses against one another.

"JeJe, my little milaberry," he said fondly.

As it turned out, the children were under the care of their grandparents. They hadn't been able to locate them sooner because they had only been searching parental records without the names.

The grandparents had been part of a group rounded up by the Cardassians and had left the children in the cupboard as part of a plan with neighbours. Tasha had gotten there first before the neighbour.

When the children were gone, it was assumed they had been taken as hostages.

But now, much to everyone's relief, they were reunited again.

The grandparents had been so grateful to all of the crew – especially Data and Tasha – for rescuing them and keeping them safe.

"They were incredibly brave," Tasha said as handed the boy one the stuffed toy Beverly had sent down.

"Goodbye, JeJe," Data waved.

He wiggled out of his grandfather's arms and raced over to Data.

Data knelt down and gave him a warm embrace.

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