The Punk And The Pastel

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[Pic by tumblr user @llster]


Dan was going to do it. He was finally going to confess.

After years of secretly crushing on Phil Lester, he was finally going to tell him.

Dan adored Phil. The way he talked and joked about in class, the way he laughed, smiled, blushed. The way he had a bad boy status but was actually the sweetest most caring person in class.

But the only thing was, Dan was two years below Phil...He just stalked him very well to know this information.

And he watched from a far. Phil wore mainly black, had loads of cool piercings and a few tattoos. Dan would never get them himself but he really loved them on anyone else.

He had decided. He would do it last lesson. He would confess.

So at lunch, Dan stuck a pink sticky note on the inside of Phil's locker.

I wanna tell you something. Meet me mid-last lesson in the boys bathroom near art.

From : sommeone you've probably never noticed


Phil being the kind-hearted guy he was, he obliged and asked to use the toilets during math class. They both asked to use the toilets mid-lesson and Dan was in shock to see Phil there early.

Dan gulped. "Um..."

"I knew it was you. Fuck i'm glad it was." Phil sighed.

Dan bit his lip, looking down at his clothes. He tugged on his light pink flower shirt, feeling self-conscious and peered down at his pastel blue jeans. Dan ruffled his curly hair letting it fall before his eyes.

"Phil. We don't know eachother but I just really think that well...Ireallylikeyouandjustamsonervous." Dan said in one breath.

"Sorry I didn't really catch that." Phil's eyebrows furrowed.

Dan bit his lip until he felt it bleeding, scrunching up his face with his eyes shut tight making his entire face start to turn red.

He soon felt cold soft hands cup around his cheek.

Dan peeked open an eye to see Phil worriedly looking over his face. "A-Are you okay?!"

"Y-You...I h-have a massive crush on y-you. I'm sure y-you get this alot I...I just need you t-to r-reject me so I c-can finally get o-over you!"

Phil stared, eyes wide. "So if the feelings are mutual it doesn't make me weird?" He whispered to himself.

"W-What?" Dan asked awkwardly.

Phil stepped forward, ruffling Dan's hair. "My friends called me weird for having a crush on someone two years below me. I've noticed. The way you're always staring at me."

"Fuck." Dan sweared, cheeks turning bright red.

"Don't swear." Phil said, taplin Dan's nose with his finger. "I've also noticed how you always look away when I look at you too, and the way you always...sit by yourself. You know how many times i've wanted to sit with you? I've even thought of scenarios in my head! And before I knew it my heart beat went faster when I thought of you so I had a crush on you. But it always makes me sad when you sit alone..."

Dan couldn't believe what was happnening. "No way. You like me?!...I-It's....I sit by myself because people in my year don't like me very much...I'm the kid that wears bright pastel colours and is always in their own world. I'm the weird kid."

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