Secret Admirer

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Valentines Day Special! ^^

Secret Admirer

Dan's POV

He never knows. The notes I hide in Phil Lester's locker, the love notes. He never knows who is sending them. But I don't mind. It's cute, especially when he giggles, thinking that no one can see him, his face going red.

I sent one this morning, making sure I come extra early to school, since Phil comes early normally. He hangs out in the libary with his friend Pj.

Chris suggested I start anonomosly sending cute little love notes to him. I guess he was just fed up of me staring at him in class and not taking any action.

Yeah, I may be popular, but actually, i'm really awkward. I only properly talk to Chris, but thats because i've known him for a while now.

Today, the note I sent said:

Your eyes always shine brighter when you're happy.So always be happy. Please? For me my love,

     Your secret admirer

I couldn't think of much today, but I went with this note. There's just so many things I admire about him, but I can never put it in the right words.

I could see Phil stumble into the hallway, getting tripped by some stupid jock. Phil isn't popular, since he came out.


I sent him his first note, now I was juat waiting and watching from a safe distance at my locker.

"Faggot," Someone mumbles, shoving him into the walls of the crowded area.

"I know," He murmurs back, making his way to his locker with his head down.

It broke my heart to see him just give into that sort of bullying, tormenting, sexual orientation discrimination.

When he finally got to his lockers after being ruthlessly shoved by some more people, he opened it, making the lilac note slip onto the floor.

He bends down to pick it up, standing up and reading it over and over again.

Just because the 'populars' don't see you, doesn't mean I won't. I see you, in my dreams, the man with the beautiful shiny hair, the cheeks that blush at almost anything and those aqua eyes. So magnificent I could drown in them.

Don't you ever forget how beautiful you are.

Love, Your Secret Admirer

He rolls his eyes, turning the paper around and writing a note on the back of it, sticking it to his locker and leaving.

Cautiously walking up to the locker, I take in what he has written.

Haha, very funny. I wonder how fun it must be to watch the 'faggot' get tricked by thinking someone could ever love him.

Get a life and keep your nose out of mine.

Who would send him fake love letters. A disgusting bully, that's who. It'll take some time, but i'll get him to trust me.


It's been almost a month since then, and February 14th was approaching. Valentines Day.

It was this Friday. A.K.A Tomorrow.

A few notes back, he had written:

When will I get to meet this charming admirer?

To which I replied:

February 14th my lion. The day full of love.

I remember the excitement in his face once he had read this. It was so cute.

"So, the day's approaching then," Chris says, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Huh, Oh yeah, Valentines day. Got anyone special in mind eh?" I teased.

"Yeah, Pj. Do you mind if I like him?

I mean he is best friends with Phil..." He murmured.

"Naa, of course I don't mind, you can have anyone except for my Philly for Valentines day!" I smirked.

"Your 'Philly' doesn't even know you exist!" He laughs.

"He will soon," To be honest, i'm a little bit nervous for tomorrow. I. mean, it's like a blind date, but I already planned out what's gonna happen.


I came to school my usual early time and slipped the ready-prepared note into his locker. I knew exactly what to do.

He read the note, his cheerful grin getting wider. The note read:

My love,
For so long I watch you from afar.
Today, the day of romance, I  finally reveal myself to you.
But not yet! I shall see you during 4th period because I hate history, and I know you have Geography in which you also dislike very much.
I shall meet you in the boys bathroom (not very romantic I know) at 11:45
I hope you can make it. I love you Phil,
Your soon to be revealed admier,

He jumped up and down a bit, fixing his hair and tie. He looked perfect to me either way.


Finally. 11:40, I asked the teacher to use the restroom, I wanted to be earlier for him. I made my way to the bathroom, opening the door and stopping in my tracks to see Phil already standing there. Wow, he must really hate Geography.

Turning to me, his face looks confused, then he turns back to the mirror.

"Oh, it's just you Dan,".

Ouch .

"What do you mean 'just me'? I'm not that bad, why, were you expecting somebody?" I play along.

"Yeah, kinda," He mumbles, fixing his hair again for the tenth time.


"Don't laugh. But, i'm not exactly sure who i'm waiting for, just a secret admirer..." He blushes.

"Well how do you know it's not me?"

"Because, there are groups," He replies bluntly.


"Yes. Groups. I am in a differemt group to you, a less popular group. Everybody loves you and your kind of group. Whereas everyone group. Get it?"

"Phil, who says I don't like your group? Theres no rule to love someone out of their group.I could have feelings for you," I mumble.

This was not turning out how I had planned, I was getting distracted.

"Do you have feelings for me?" He asks, blushing slightly.

I nod timidly, and slowly walk over to him, looking into his beautiful eyes, which were even better up close.

"Really?" He seems so shocked,"Why?".

"I told you in your first love note didn't I?" I ask.

"Your beautiful shiny hair," I say, softly getting a strand on hair that was covering his eyes and tucking it behind his ear.

"You're cheeks that blush at almost anything, I forgot to mention how cute that was," I add, softly feeling his dark red cheeks, that were hot and he was flustered.

"And those aqua eyes, so beautiul you could melt into the, them," I lock eyes with him, happily getting lost in those orbs.

Then he did something unexpected. He quickly leans forward, pressing his soft, pink lips against mine. Even if it was only for a few seconds, it felt electric. My butterflies in my stomach and blushing cheeks matched his.

"Sorry," He mumbles tugging at the hem of his school shirt.

"Your so cute," I smile.

I was in love with him. And there was no way getting out of it.

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