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Thanks to Katy for giving me this idea ^.^

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v v quick fluffy piece


Phil despised baking. It meant that he would have to stand around for about an hour, basically playing with flour and a bunch of other useless ingredients until something was made. It was boring and he really didn't see the interest.

He had always thought choosing home economics as a subject for school would mean actually cooking some meaningful dishes, not baking a Victoria Spongecake for a whole term. He wouldn't have picked it had it not been for his best friend picking it and forcing him to pick it too.

Dan on the other hand loved baking. His passion was to create things merely out of the simplest of ingredients. It was always a wonder to him. One day he was going to open up his very own bakery with his best friend by his side supporting him all the way.

Well, best friend. Not really.

You know when two people like each other? But neither make a move and at the same time they are content with that? They flirt but as of now don't need to get together. Like a relationship on stationary hold.

Dan got teased from time to time. He was the pastel flower boy of the school. He liked to wear pale blue and pink colours. He loved to have small flower crowns in his hair along with cute purple belt.

The only thing that was a bit odd about his appearance to others would be his shoes. Dan liked to wear black studded shoes with heavy laced leather painted sides.

Phil was pretty much the opposite in a way. He wore mainly black, sometimes a splash of grey. Generally he would have a leather jacket ironically, along with some sort of hoodie underneath and skinny jeans. The thing about Phil was, he too had peculiar shoes.

Pink converses.

But of course, everyone being scared of him nobody dared to laugh. If they would, they would be dead meat.

Dan was in home economics class, setting up his desk with needed ingredients for todays practical lesson when he heard a small snicker behind him.

He turned to face these two boys and a girl who simply stared at him in disgust.

"Yo." Dan saluted casually. "Anything you need?"

They all stared in shock as if they had just seen a deaf person speak.

"Why are you always dressed like that?" The girl asked in annoyance. "Wannabe tumblr."

Dan rolled his eyes. It always boggled him why people used the website tumblr as an adjective to when something is unique, artsy or 'hipster'. It was a website where fandoms could scream together, minorities could hug and cry as well as explore art. Tumblr has it's nice sides and fucked up sides, like people getting offended by everything. So in a way, that girl was tumblr too.

"Okay then." Dan replied simply, turning back around to tidy his desk.

"Faggot." One of the boys spat. He was about to turn around and let them know what his fist tasted like but felt someone's body plummet onto his own and hugging his.

"I missed my Danny. How's my little boyfriend?" The person who appeared to be Phil said, pulling apart from the hug.

Dan was wondering where he came from before he saw the three on the floor in pain from being knocked over.

"There's so many bugs this season aren't there?" Phil laughed loudly, casually stepping onto the three who groaned in pain.

Dan stared in slight shock. Phil was always full of surprises so it was only slightly shocking.

"So many pesky bugs we need to get rid of. Bug spray won't do, maybe we should end each and every one." Phil giggled happily, kicking and pushing with his foot the three out of the room in one direction of the door. Soon they left and went back to their classes, too scared to enter again.

Phil rubbed his hands together as if cleaning them. "So! How's my boyfriend doing?"

Dan giggled shyly. "So we're boyfriends now? I don't know if I want to commit to that. I might cheat on you..."He joked.

"I know what you mean. One ass for as long as I'm with you?! How will I manage?" Phil also joked.

Dan loved how he and Phil could joke around like this so often. It wasn't much of a non-serious relationship but they were also best friends too.

Dan nudged Phil, grinning widely. "Lets get baking."

Phil wined in response, rolling his sleeves up. "I see you're still wearing the shoes I bought." He smirked, peering down at Dan's shoes.

Dan looked down at Phil's shoes too and smiled to himself to see the pink converses that tucked in his black jeans slightly.

The shoes were something Phil had gotten for Dan's birthday and when Phil's birthday came around, he decided to do the same.

"You can get them dirty by the way. It adds more effect." Phil smiled, nudging Dan.

Dan glanced down at Phil's shoes which were still really clean even after so many months. "You better not get those dirty, I swear to God I will hurt you."

Phil gasped audibly and fake pouting. "Wouldn't dream of it. Now! What boring food will we be creating from boring flour today?"

Dan held up a spatula, staring at Phil through angry eyes. "I will fight you. Baking is fun."

Phil flicked Dan's forehead. "You can't even hurt a fly what are you talking about." He laughed.

Dan pouted, ignoring Phil and getting on with the baking. Today they were meant to make meringues which was really hard to make unless you had the perfect cooking time and texture.

Halfway through mixing the still creamy bowl, Dan sighed in defeat. His end result was supposed to be so when he turned it over, nothing would drop, but the egg whites were still creamy.

Dan turned to Phil who was busy playing with a random cookie cutter.

"Here. Mix this." Dan said, out of breath. He handed Phil the bowl who looked down at it with disgust.

"Do I have to?" Phil huffed.

Dan raised a finger. "You better." He said sternly.

Phil whined childishly, mixing the bowl. In less than a minute of quick mixing the mixture in the bowl had turned completely stiff.

Dan sat down, staring at Phil in that minute. His sleeves were rolled up with veins slightly popping out and for once it actually looked like he had muscles to Dan.

Dan whistled, standing up and walking besides Phil. "Thanks." He kissed his cheek, taking the bowl, continuing to make the meringues.

Phil sat back down, swinging his legs on the chair as he watched Dan pour the mixture onto a baking tray.

"You would be such a great baker one day." He said mindlessly, unaware that he had even said it out loud.

Dan turned around, a pink tint lighting his cheeks. "Thanks."

Normally, whenever Phil complimented stuff like his appearance, he would scoff and say he knew or something along the lines of that. But every so often from time to time, he would randomly say something about actual him, and it just created another reason in his mind why he was special to him.

"You're staring. You're not falling for me are you?" Phil laughed, leaning down slightly to kiss Dan's forehead.

Dan smiled widely. "You know well enough I'm already in too deep."

"That's what he said." Phil grinned, ruffling Dan's curly hair.


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