Junjou Egoist

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Sorry for not updating in ages :(
My cat called Jack whom I had for 14 years (so my entire life) was ill so we had to put him down so I guess I've been super sad :(


Phil had no clue what to say. What could he say? 'Hey I'm sorry for being a prick, date me?' They sounded like words from a fuckboy.

Phil started with a light approach instead. Otherwise, casually coming up to Dan would most likely scare him off. And he knew if Pj found out that he had scared Dan, he would probably murder him.

Phil had a feeling he was slowly getting over Pj. It was as if the feelings were drifting away from him.

And onto Dan.

Before he knew it, Phil was the one secretly watching him from afar admiringly. Desperately daydreaming about how it would feel to hold him in his arms again.

Thinking back to all those times he actually could and how stupid he was.

Phil regretted it so much, instead of thinking about someone whom would never love him, he should have focused on the beautiful boy in front of him, pouring his heart out every week.

So the light approach started off fluffy and cute. Sticky notes. Cliché sticky notes were left in his locker every day. They started off generically cheesy and cute, but after a week or so, Phil decided to change it.

Dan, I hope you know how sorry I am.

I'm an utter fool staring at you and daydreaming about what it would be like to have your lips against mine.

I'm over Pj. For good. But now I can't get over you. I need your help again.

I only want to wait until you can approach me with courage. I do not want to scare you.

I think I love you.

No, I do love you.


A month later and the sticky notes had ended like that.

Dan had healed nicely. He knew now if he was ever hurt by someone again, there would be Pj to hurt them back 10 times worse.

The sticky notes made his heart hurt constantly feel butterflies. Phil was such a sweetheart it was impossible not to fall in love with him.

Dan decided to take a new approach. One day he decided not to be scared anymore. You can't spend your whole life worrying. It's too short for that.

With that in mind, Dan came to school in his regular black clothes and makeup, walking straight over to Phil's locker. A massive grin was planted on his face as he planted his arm on the locker resting it there.

Phil turned around and jumped in shock. "D-Dan!" He said nervously, fumbling awkwardly with his sleeve. "H-Hi."

"You're so cute." Dan laughed, placing his hand on Phil's cheeks, cupping his face.

Dan stared wide eyes in embarrassment. He glanced down at Dan's lips every so often, gulping.

Dan looked down at Phil's lips too. "Haven't done this in a while have we?" He smirked, closing the gap between them and pressing their lips together.

Phil instantly kissed back needily and let out a small noise of appreciation. Dan laughed in the kiss, pulling away and tapping Phil's lips with his finger.

"Save that for later. First, class." He grinned, turning away after winking slyly and walking to class.

Phil stares, utterly dumbfounded. He loved this new Dan.


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