Cinderella - Part 2

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Phillip's eyes widened. "Me? B-But you are so much more interesting my prince!"

Daniel cringed. "Please do not call me that, my name is Daniel and thatis what I wished to be called!" He snapped.

Phil nodded, feeling slightly frightened. "Y-Yes Daniel.."

"Look...I didn't take you here to intimidate you Phillip, I just want to get to know you." Daniel said calmly.

Phillip nodded. "I apologize, I g-get very nervous sometimes, you see I am quite shy.." He said, his cheeks turning a light pink.

Daniel laughed softly. "Is that why your cheeks are always flushed? I think that is cute Phillip, tell me more."

Phillip smiled. "There is not much to know about me Daniel, I'm merely a peasant boy who is orphaned and dutied to care for his younger sister."

"Phillip you seem to have quite a sad life and yet you seem so awfully happy, how is that?" Daniel asked.

"I do?" Phillip asked in slight suprise.

"Your aura is joyful, wheras mine is sad." Daniel said sadly,

"Your aura seems to be intrigued by the tiniest of things that don't matter at all."

"Such as?"

"My life."

Daniel frowned. "No my dear Phillip, I don't take an interest in many things, I have just taken an interest to you, You seem to have a charming personality and dazzling looks."

"But you wouldn't think so if I were to be in my peasant clothes right now, would you?"

Daniel bit his lip and shook his head. "Why of course I would think the same!"

Phillip smiled. "You would?"

Daniel nodded happily. "Phillip I have grown fond of you, and would like to know you better in the near future. I-Is that okay?"

Phillip smiled shyly. "Yes that is fine."

Daniel grinned happily. The rest of that night for the two was spent sitting in the halls talking about whatever they desired to let out.

Occasional flirts would pass from one another, mostly Daniel but sometimes Phillip would do it back and make Daniel very red-faced.

Hours had passed and Daniel and Phillip had somehow ended up in Daniel's room after he had cut the cake and fufilled his duties as a birthday host.

They had also ended up holding hands which made both boys feel butterflies in their stomachs.


"Yes Phillip?"

"I have grown to have a...a small crush on you."

Daniel blushed. "I know you have, and I you."

Phillip giggled happily aand watched as Daniel checked the time.

"Oh dear, is it really nearly twelve?" Daniel said in ashtonishment.

Phillip quickly got up in realization."I-I must g-go, I apologize greatly!" He apologized, putting his shoes back on.

"W-When will I see you again?!" Daniel asked desperatly.

"Soon I hope! I must go before it wears off, I'll forget!" Phillip said quickly, running out of Daniel's room and out of the castle.

Daniel sat confused.


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