Opposites Attract

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I'll couldn't be bothered to finish writing Secrets so I deleted it lmao

(2700 WORDS??!!)

[Pic by philsters.tumblr.com]



Dan liked his school. Of all the clichés like populars, sporty people and nerds, they were all nice.

Every single once. Maybe because he had moved to Canada in the last few months and the stereotypes of it were so far were proven to be true. Or the neighbourhood...no definetly the stereotypes everyone was for sure father christmas in disguise.

But Dan was accepted. He was genderfluid, prefered pronoun he/him.

Dan was originally born with the sex of a male, but he liked both genders, being able to identify as both genders.

He was probably accepted because of his beamingly great personality, as pretty much everybody adored him. But he just thought he was lucky.


Phil Lester was new to this school. His parents had payed millions of saved up money for this private school, to finally get away from the bullies and taunting.

This school was full of rich people which made him sadder. He didn't want any preppy students bullying him.

Phil wore lots of black. His appearance fooled many, like a bridge to scare everyone out. To trick everyone because behind it was only a defencless kitten.

Phil liked to wear some eyeliner, black leather jackets, black skinny jeans. Just black every cloth.

He had some tattoos he had gotten a while ago that he always wanted which became a sleeve. He had piercings too. Everything was completly opposite to his personality.

His first day was weird. After getting dropped off to class, he was sat next to a boy called Chris who liked to tell jokes.

And Chris was an extroverted comedy genius, the opposite of Phil.


The bell rang and Phil's second class was over. He got up and Chris led him to the field where his friends were.

"Not to be rude but...I'd of thought everyone here would be...meaner?" Phil said in a quiet voice.

Chris shook his head with a big grin. "Definetely not my friend. Now, let me introduce you to those two weirdos down there eh?." He explained, pointing to the two people they were walking towards on the empty school field.

One of the people were talking passionately about something as the other one seemed to nod and lay on the grass, staring up at the cloud.

"Hey sporks." Chris greeted casually and Phil let out a small sniffle of laughter.

Dan instantly sat up to see where this cute laugh had come from and was glued to this person. They didn't have the school uniform so maybe not that rich, tousled black hair and a shy grin.

The other stood up, smiling and holding his hand out as Phil shook it politely. "Hello, I'm Pj Liguori. You're new here? Sorry about Chris if he did anything weird, he's Chris, he meant no harm." Pj laughed fondly looking at Chris who simply rolled his eyes in return.

Phil mentally noted down something.

Chris and Pj have something.

Dan stood up too, quickly wiping his sweaty hand on his shirt and holding it out as Phil shook it. "Dan Howell. Pleasure to meet you. And you are?"

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