Raspberry Kiss

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If you've seen Phil's "I smell like a girl..."  video, I was inspired (or possesed) to make this phanfic because of it...

Dan's POV

After Phil and I got the stuff we ordered online from Tesco shopping, something weird has been happening.

Normally, whenever I am close to him, he smells of lynx, but lately, he's been smelling...sweeter. I don't want to ask him because i'm scared it'll embarass him, but I kind of find it cute.

We were cuddling on the sofa watching Adventure Time, and I found myself falling asleep.

"Daaan. Wanna go to your bed?" Phil nudges me slightly, whilst stroking my hair.

"Why?" I ask, muffled by his chest.

"Because you seem tired," He chuckles.

"But that involves getting up, so...no," I moan.

He laughs, muting the TV as he grabs the nearet blanket, snuggling both of us under it. The strong smell of raspberries made it easier for me to drift off, but before I could, I said

"Phil, why do you smell so lovely?" .

"Haha, do you like it. My body wash got mixed up and I got some raspberry one instead," He laughs, sniffing his arms.

"I like this one better than your old one," I whisper dreamily sinking into a nap.

"I'm not getting this girly one just for some weird fetish of yours Dan."

"It's not a fetish, it's just really cute that you smell so nice and your fans don't even know. I don't know, maybe its something about my selfish side of having you all to myself."

"Sleep bear, you've been up for too long, your brain's making you sound like a weirdo," Phil laughs,

"Shut up." I smirk.

"It's cute that you think that though." Phil smiles happily, softly stroking my hair as I fall into a deep sleep, dreaming about Phil, llamas and Malteasers.

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