Ticking Timer

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Imagine if there was a way to find out when you would die.

Imagine predicting the future in a way, like a ticking time bomb or a gruesome grenade, waiting until it explodes.

Imagine how it ticks down, every day, hour, minute, second, millisecond. Everything, counting down the time until your time is up.

Imagine that timer embedded into one of your wrist, with the years, days, hours. Seconds.

Okay now picture this. One person. Just one person can change it all around. Can recreate that timer. When you meet them, the timer can extend. Or... the timer gives you less time.

Now stop imagining it. That's what happens in this story.


Daniel James Howell was a simple guy. All he wanted was to find his soul-mate, settle down and live a peacful life having hot chocolate in bed. Staying up late at 3am talking about the universe with a significant others whilst sitting on the kitchen table in their pyjamas.

He wanted somebody.

But, Dan always thought that he never would find that person.

Because one rainy Saturday when he was 19, he woke up at 2am lazily, looking down at his wrist out of habit, hs shrieked in terror.

His best friend Chris burst into his room worriedly, repetetivly asking what had happened.

Dan shook his head, crying into his pillow, muffled screaming and sobbing.

His wrist had changed numbers.

Before, it read around 60 years.

Now, it read four days.


"It'll change! It always changed you know how these things are! Dan, look. We'll go to the doctors, see if its something to do with yiur body and they'll get it all fixed okay?!" Chris said shakily, tears rolling down his cheeks too.

Dan sniffed, raising his head, eyes red and puffy. He nodded sadly, wiping his eyes.


On his their to the doctors, Dan glanced down occasionally at his wrist, sighing shakily. It was a short walk as they made their way there.

Without looking and only staring down at his hand, Dan didn't realize the person he was about to walk into as he recklessly swayed to the right, bumping into someone, knocking them and him over onto the floor.

"Fuck, sorry." Dan muttered getting up.

"Are you two okay?" Chris askd, helping the guy Dan knocked over up too.

"Yeah." They said simultaneously.

Dan looked up at the guy he knocked over. Someone with jet black hair and blue eyes. He was beautiful.

Dan stared for a few seconds in shock as the other did the same. It was almost as if it was in slow motion.

Like time was slowing down.

"Ahem." Chris coughed awkwardly.

"You two look...pretty dazed." Chris chuckled, elbowing Dan suggestively as he smirked at the guy to him.

"S-Sorry." The guy said in a deepish voice that made Dan's stomach flutter.

"S-So I better get going um..." The mysterious guy said walking away slowly.

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