059. vamp gordon

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The five are walking through an alley, shining their flashlights around. They find a pool of blood and walk over to it, a man lying down and bleeding out from the bite in his neck.

"Hey, hey." Sam kneels next to him. "Don't worry. We're gonna call you some help, okay?"

"Where is she? Where'd she go?!" Dean asks. The man barely manages to point down the alley and Dean goes with Natalie following, Sam, Larissa, and Jacob staying with the man.

The two siblings stop in the middle of a different alley and Dean looks around. Natalie sees the wheels turning in his head before he pulls his sleeve up.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

Dean doesn't answer as he slices his arm.

"Dean!" Natalie hisses, but Dean just shushes her.

"Smell that?! Come and get it!" Dean shouts. A young blonde woman appears and stares at Dean, her chin covered in blood. "That's right. Come on. I smell good, don't I? I taste even better." Natalie's face scrunches up. Dean drops the machete and takes Natalie's, dropping it.

"Dean." Natalie hisses.

"Come on. Free lunch!" Dean shouts. The vampire charges at him and Dean shoves Natalie out of the way, the young woman falling to the ground. The vamp bites into Dean's neck as he takes a syringe of dead mean's blood out, plunging it into her neck. The vamp convulses and falls to the ground, knocked out.

"Whoo!" Dean exclaims, breathing heavily.

Sam, Larissa, and Jacob run over, glancing at the vamp on the ground. Jacob helps Natalie up.

"What?" Dean asks, seeing their looks.

"Cutting it a little close, don't you think?" Sam asks.

"Ah... that's just chum in the water. Worked, didn't it?" Dean says. He looks down at his arm. "Ow."


They're in their motel room and the vampire is still unconscious and tied to a chair. They put the mattresses up to block out the light, standing in the middle of the room. Ophelia and Libby are in the bathroom and Sam gave the iPod so they could watch a movie and hopefully not hear anything, or at least hear less.

"You know, we could play a game or something? Pass the time?" Jacob suggests as they wait for the vamp to wake up.

"Okay. Let's play "Jacob Shuts Up"." Dean suggests, smiling. Natalie hits her brother over the head.

The vampire starts to wake up and Dean leans over her.

"You with us?" He asks as she fully wakes up and struggles against the rope. "Oh, yeah, sorry. You're not going anywhere."

"Where's your nest?" Sam asks.

"What?" The vamp asks.

"Your nest... where you and your bloodsucking pals hang out." Dean says.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The vamp says. "Please! I don't feel good."

"Yeah, well, you're gonna feel a hell of a lot worse if we give you another shot of dead man's blood." Dean says.

"Just let me go." She pleads.

"Yeah, you know we can't do that." Sam laughs.

"I'm telling you the truth. I'm just... I took something. I'm freaking out! I don't know what's going on!" The vamp says.

"You took something?" Sam asks.

"Yes! I can't... come down. I just want to come down." She cries.

"What's your name?" Sam asks.

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