066. worst summer ever

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They buried both Dean and Natalie's bodies, Sam refusing to bury his siblings. He said they would need something to bring them back in. It's been two weeks since they died and nobody has been the same.

Libby has stayed attached to Sam's side, only tolerating being away from him when one of them has to go to the bathroom or he has to take a shower. Other than that, she refuses to let him out of her sight afraid she'll lose him too.

Sam lets Libby stay latched onto him, it somewhat comforting him too. When he's not taking care of her, he's either drinking or researching, both on the computer and through multiple books. He looks for any way to kill Lilith or how to bring his siblings back.

Bobby only ever drinks alcohol and buries himself in helping other hunters and research. Whenever one of the others need him for something, he's there to help in an instant, doing what he can for the rest of the grieving kids.

Jacob's quieter than usual, his sarcastic comments ceasing completely. He also drowns himself in alcohol like the other two men. He stays outside when the sun's up and stays on the couch when it's nighttime, barely uttering a word.

Ophelia is practically numb. She wouldn't get out of bed for the first week, too pained from her father and aunt's deaths to even move. She would spend that time sobbing into her pillow while Bobby or Larissa tried to console her to no avail. She would only nibble on whatever Larissa made for her, never finishing a meal.

Since she's not feeling only her grief, but everybody else's, it drains the eight year old more than anything, making her form into a hallow shell of her old self. She hates her powers at times like these and feeling everybody's pain makes her just want to scream at the top of her lungs for hours.

Larissa, the least effected by the deaths of the two Winchesters since she wasn't super close to either of them, does her best to keep the rest of them alive -- especially with the three whose favorite coping mechanisms are alcohol. She makes sure they all eat and get some sleep, comforting Ophelia whenever she wakes up from nightmares.

Bobby is currently sitting at his desk while Larissa sits on the couch with Ophelia and Jacob, the woman reading to the young girl. Libby is asleep at the kitchen table, having fallen asleep while eating cereal.  Sam jogs down the stairs, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

"Where you going?" Bobby questions.

"Um... I-I just need to get some air." Sam says.

"With a bag?" Larissa asks.

"I need a few days." Sam says, shrugging.

"Where's Libby's stuff?" Larissa questions.

"I need a few days alone." Sam clarifies.

"She can't handle a few days of you alone." Larissa says.

"Well, she'll manage." Sam says, an edge in his tone.

"Sam--" Larissa starts.

"Look, I think I know how to parent my own fucking kid, alright, Larissa?" Sam snaps.

"You sure you wanna be alone?" Bobby asks. "You haven't been alone since..." He trails off, everybody's minds going to May second. Ophelia curls into Larissa's side and she wraps an arm around the child's shoulders.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just a couple of days." Sam says, forcing a smile. "Tell Libby I'll be back in a couple of days."

"You're not even gonna tell her bye?" Larissa asks.

"I'll call her in the morning." Sam says.

"Sam--" Larissa tries, but he's already out the door. "What the fuck was that?"

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