2 (edited)

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Victoria's POV (first person) :

i walked into my english class and took my seat which is conveniently placed in the back of the classroom and prepared myself both mentally and physically for the shit im about to endure from this man.

"goodmorning class!" professor anderson exclaimed whilst walking into the classroom.

god i hate him so much... this is going to be a long ass hour.


we are only 5 minutes in and im already resisting the urge to walk out of this class because of much this man irritates me but at the same time i know if i do then ill be sent to the principal who will call my dad which will lead to even worse problems so i guess ill have to suck it up and get on with it.. like usual.

"okay so we are going to be watching a documentary which you will need to take notes on as you will be expected to write a three page essay on" professor anderson explained whilst turning the projector on.

for fucks sake.. another essay? god im already failing this class.


(back to third person)

victoria had managed to get through her english class without having an argument with her english teacher which was a huge accomplishment for her - and him.

she was sat in her last lesson of the day which was art.

she didn't exactly mind art however she wasn't exactly an artist so it did get a little frustrating every now and then but other than that she actually kind of enjoyed it.

*bell rings*

it had just turned 3:15pm which meant school was over but now victoria had to go and 'work' for her dad...

she grabbed her things and left the classroom relatively fast knowing she told her dad she would be home as soon as possible so she said bye to all of her friends and began her short journey home.

her house was around 5 minutes away from her school so it wasn't long until she was back home standing infront of her father..

"okay so your going to go meet someone for a deal, you'll meet him on the corner of 27th okay?" her dad asked but it wasn't really a question it was more of an order.

"yes" victoria replied nervously, she had done deals for her dad before and only gotten caught a few times but she felt a little more anxious about this deal as she didn't want to be put back into juvie.

"if you get caught you do not speak okay?! if you speak i will kill you thats a promise victoria." salvador held victorias chin tightly and forced her to look him in the eye.

"i understand" victoria tried to sound confident but she was beyond terrified and her voice showed that.

"now go and remember what i said!" salvador rolled his eyes as he pushed victoria away from him.

victoria then left her house and headed to where she was supposed to be meeting the mysterious man.

as she came to the corner of 27th st she walked up to a man she assumed was the dealer.

"hey you got the product?" victoria asked nervously.

"yeah you got the money kid?" the man nodded eagerly.

"yeah its here" victoria motioned to the bag she was holding.

just as the deal was about to be made, 4 cars came out of nowhere with blue flashing lights.

"shit not again" victoria whispered to herself angrily.

"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!! DO NOT RUN! CHICAGO POLICE!!" a woman's voice shouted.

victoria didn't know what to do but before she knew it she was running down an alley with 2 kilos of cocaine in her bag.

"shit shit shit why am i running?!" she asked herself whilst looking back to see two police officers chasing her.

"STOP RUNNING KID!! WE AREN'T GUNNA HURT YOU JUST STOP RUNNING!!" a mans voice shouted from behind her.

victoria got to a wall and climbed it, the only problem was it was a huge drop which would definitely lead to her breaking more than a few bones.

"i wouldn't recommend doing that kid!" the woman shouted.

"okay.. so if i get down promise me your not gunna tackle me or some shit?" victoria asked hesitantly as she debated her options.

"if you get down i promise that we wont hurt you" the duo replied in sync.

victoria got down slowly and stood infront of the two officers whilst also looking for any potential exits.

"hey, i'm detective erin lindsay this is my partner detective jay halstead" the woman - now known as erin said sweetly.

"am i getting arrested?" victoria asked getting straight to the point.

"well we are gunna have to bring you in and take that bag off of you" detective halstead said whilst motioning to the bag victoria had in her hand.

"shit.. well i tried atleast." victoria shrugged and handed the bag over to the detectives quite quickly as she didnt really care about its contents and knew that if she simply complied with what they were asking her to do then she would be able to get home alot quicker.

the two detectives looked inside of the bag and discovered the 2 kilos of cocaine and looked at victoria with an extremely confused look across their faces.

"jeez kid what are you doing with 2 kilos of cocaine?" detective lindsay questioned.

victoria didn't reply as she didnt want to say too much and get herself into even more trouble or snitch on her dad for that matter..

"come on lets get you to the district" detective halstead said whilst bringing victoria to his partners car.

victoria sat in the back seat of the car with her head against the window, she let her mind race between the possibilities of her being put back into juvie or being released without charge.. which would be unlikely unless she were to snitch on her dad.


okay so im lowkey loving writing this!!

keep reading as its gunna get juicyyy😉😉

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