41 (edited)

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"whens your birthday victoria?" justin asked randomly.

"may 15th what about you?" victoria tilted her head to face justin.

"october 10th" justin smiled.

victoria nodded and decided to lay on her stomach as she did everytime she was falling asleep.

"please wake me up if there is somebody staring at my ass so i can kill them personally" victoria stated.

"will do" adam nodded.

*11 am*

"who the fuck is touching me." victoria woke up to the feeling of somebody touching her hips.

"i..i.." a man said, he sounded young but not young like victoria - he sounded as if he were around 24.

victoria realised that there was nobody around her and guessed they were all in the sea but luckily enough hank had left his spare gun under her towel so she grabbed it quickly and turned over, she was right the man was in his early twenties.

"why the fuck are you touching me?" victoria stood up and held the gun to his head.

"i-i couldn't help it. y-you're body is so beautiful.." the man stuttered.

"okay first of all im 14, second of all thats sexual assault. would you rather prison or death because trust me ill happily shoot you right here right now." victoria had noticed justin looking over and motioned with her head for him to get al and hank.

"p-please.. i cant go back to prison! i dont want to die either!!" the man begged.

"oh so its not your first time touching little girls?" victoria asked well more like stated.

"i only touched your hips and ass.." the man tried pulling away from victoria but she just pressed the gun further into his head.

"whats your name huh? why dont we get to know eachother seen as though you've already touched me?" victoria smiled sarcastically.

"j-jim.." the man - jim stuttered.

"well jim, me and you are going to be bestfriends. we're going to on a roadtrip together and im going to show you an amazing view" victoria lied, the place she was actually planning on taking jim was the silos.

al and hank were now approaching victoria and soon realised she had a gun pressed against a mans head.

"o-okay.." jim nodded, before he could speak another word victoria pistol whipped him which knocked him out cold.

"mkay no offence but i hate men" victoria rolled her eyes.

"what do you wanna do with him?" al asked.

"lets take my bestfriend jim out for a little roadtrip that ends with him falling into lake michigan" victoria smiled.

"alright, we'll go now but we need to be quick so nobody suspects anything" hank agreed.

"i dont care if they suspect something. ive just been assaulted for the second time in two weeks, i could give two fucks about them knowing that i'll literally kill anyone who touches me." victoria sassed.

"al help me drag his dumb ass to the car" hank nodded and grabbed jims arms whilst al got his legs, luckily the beach wasnt at all busy so there was no witnesses who saw them with jim.

"you keep ahold of that gun tori" hank assured.

*at the silos*

"well good morning jim! seems like you had a nasty fall whilst we were walking, this is what i wanted you to see. isnt it beautiful?" victoria asked whilst playing with the gun.

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