59 (edited)

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* trigger warning (possibly anyway) *

victoria and diego were both admitted to med for observation however eva had been discharged and was just helping to keep tori and diego entertained.

"i swear ill be living in this cast for the whole of this year" victoria groaned.

"now thats just a tad dramatic tori" erin laughed.

"no but its true ive had a cast on forever and now since its broken even more ill be in it till im like 70" victoria loved being over dramatic, it was honestly just fun to complain.

"so has the unit looked into laura yet..?" eva asked hesitantly, antonio was with diego walking around the hospital as connor said it would be best for him to start walking around as soon as possible so it was just eva, tori and erin in the room.

"they should be, did dad tell them about her telling us to 'watch our backs'." victoria chimed in.

"they're looking for her but so far they haven't found her.. looks like shes made a run for it" erin admitted.

"you tried looking for her boyfriend?" eva raised an eyebrow.

"they're looking for him too because from the cctv footage it does look like laura and her boyfriend" erin nodded.

"shes evil.. i want her dead." eva scoffed.

victoria looked to erin with a slight smirk across her face and mouthed 'i would love to do it' .

"you dont mean that eva your just upset.." erin sighed.

"no i mean it. diego could have died, she could have killed her only son." eva rubbed the bridge of her nose.

victoria already knew from the start that if laura tried anything then she personally would be dealing with it but hearing eva say she wanted her dead? that just prompted her even more.

* after everyone had been discharged - at the district *

"hey hank" victoria smiled, she came with erin and antonio to the district whilst eva and diego decided to go over gabby and matts place.

"hey kiddo, hows the hand?" hank asked.

"hurts like a bitch but oh well" victoria shrugged.

"your a tough kid" hank smiled.

victoria rolled her eyes playfully and flicked adams head on her way to sit in the breakroom, she couldn't really do much because the majority of her left arm was covered in bandaging and a cast but the good thing was she mainly used her right hand for everything.

* 8 pm *

"we got laura" antonio stated when he walked into the breakroom.

"your joking." victoria shot up off the sofa.

"we got her and her boyfriend" antonio smirked.

"eva wants her dead" victoria smirked and leaned against the breakroom doorway.

"me too, hank aswell" antonio tilted his head slightly.

"let me deal with it?" victoria asked.

"tori.. i dont want you to be traumatised by all of this" antonio sighed.

"im already traumatised, literally diagnosed as traumatised so this? this is a walk in the park compared to everything else.. look how about this i deal with laura and you and hank can play nice with her boyfriend?" victoria pleaded with a smirk.

"okay.. come on ill grab hank" antonio nodded and walked into hanks office, luckily victoria came prepared and already had both her knife and gun on her so she was good to go.

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