51 (edited)

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*9:30 am*
*slight trigger warning*

victoria had managed to sleep for a full 12 hours and was amazed when she woke up without being panicked or in extreme pain.

"morning, you sleep okay?" antonio asked.

"mhm.. bet you wouldn't believe me if told you im still tired" victoria sat up and rubbed the bridge of her nose then looked around her room when she realised erin wasn't there.

"mom just went go grab a few things from the store, we're a little low on first aid supplies and snacks. want me to tell her to get you anything?" antonio smiled.

"i need her to pick up the morning after pill or else we are going to have serious problems come a few weeks time" victoria laughed to herself.

"alright ill call her, anything else? maybe some candy or anything you want really" antonio pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed erins number.

"do you think we could just go to the store? im running low on basically everything.." victoria sat up and rested her head against her headboard.

"of course we can" antonio smiled and looked down at his phone to see erin had answered the call.

"everything okay?" erin asked over the speaker.

"yeah its all good, just wanted to let you know tori and i are going to do a quick run to the store too and grab a few essentials she needs" antonio assured and victoria thought it would be smart for her to go change whilst antonio talked to erin so she carefully and slowly walked into her wardrobe and started looking for something loose and comfortable to wear.

she eventually chose a hoodie, some loose leggings and a pair of black sneakers after changing she decided to just keep her hair in braids as she saw no reason to dress herself up.

victoria walked herself back into her bedroom and leaned against the wall whilst antonio finished his conversation with erin.

"you all set to go?" antonio asked and put his phone back into his pocket.

"yeah.." victoria nodded and looked at the cast on her left hand.

*at the store*

victoria had picked out a few different essentials she needed like shampoo, body washes, conditioner, deodorant, face wash, tampons and some icy hot to put on her bruises.

"you need anything else?" antonio asked.

"i dont think so.." victoria shook her head, she was still rather anxious about being in public especially with her face being bruised to bits and obviously due to recent events which lead to her being attached to antonios side.

"doesn't have to be something you need, have you seen anything you want? can be whatever you like babe" antonio assured.

"..i mean i guess a journal would be good so i can write about whatever i dont feel like talking about" victoria shrugged.

"alright yeah we can do that, anything else?" antonio smiled and they made their way where all the notebooks and diaries where kept.

"i need some looser clothes because alot of what i own consists of jeans and tight shirts which isn't exactly useful for my current situation" victoria thought out loud.

"any specific store in mind?" antonio asked.

"im okay with wherever" victoria shrugged.

*after shopping - back at the house*

victoria had gotten a decent amount of things which included 5 new tracksuits and an oodie along with her journal, a few pens and the other items she picked out from the store.

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