57 (edited)

259 4 3

* trigger warning *
- 7:18 am -

victoria groaned when she woke up as she was immediately slapped in the face by the brightness of the sun, she clearly needs to get better at remembering to close her curtains.

she pulled herself out of bed and walked into her bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth, she shuffled across the floor and made her way into her wardrobe to find her outfit of the day.

she picked out some sweatpants, a cropped shirt, white airforces and a few pieces of jewellery after straightening her hair.

at around 8 am she finished getting ready and made her way downstairs, the first thing she was going to do was go outside and have a cig.

"tori!" antonio shouted before victoria got outside.

"whats up?" victoria turned around with the unlit cig between her lips.

"come for a walk with me" antonio winked, antonio and victoria had a little thing where they would go for walks and antonio would occasionally have a cig with her.

"hm okay" victoria shrugged and followed antonio out of the front door.

the two began their walk and just made random conversation for a while until antonio saw someone he recognised...


"shit.." he cursed under his breath.

"what? im confused?" victoria pulled a face.

"thats laura.." antonio whispered and pointed over to laura discreetly, she was walking closer towards him and victoria and he had no idea how to react.

"antonio." laura pulled a face.

"laura.." antonio rolled his eyes.

"im guessing your victoria?" laura looked to victoria who had a half smoked cig between her lips.

"and im guessing your the spiteful slut who chose her boyfriend over her kids?" victoria smirked.

antonio had to hold back his laughter, victoria was extremely unfiltered when it came to people she didnt like.

"your not going to tell her to watch her language?" laura scoffed.

"aw do you feel threatened by a fourteen year old?" victoria pouted.

"no wonder your dad hit you.." laura stated under her breath.

"im sorry what did you just say." victorias eyes widened.

"you heard me" laura shrugged.

"i wouldnt start if i were you.." victoria warned.

"what you going to do? fight me?" laura laughed.

"how about getting you killed by the spanish cartel? that scary enough for you?" victoria asked whilst blowing smoke in lauras face, antonio was just casually listening to the 'argument' as he knew that victoria could fight her own battles.

"that a threat?" laura scoffed and looked to antonio who just shrugged.

"its not a threat.. its a promise." victoria winked, "how about we talk about those lovely messages you've been sending? they really made me feel so special".

"i don't know what your talking about" laura pulled a face.

"laura dont act stupid eva and diego showed me the messages you sent them." antonio scoffed.

"i..i" laura stuttered.

"not so brave now are we?" victoria laughed.

"ugh!! you wonder why you were raped yet you leave the house wearing that? no wonder" laura rolled her eyes, "god and your wrists.. why are walking around displaying that mess?".

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