60 (edited)

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* next day - 10 am *
* trigger warning *

victoria slept in antonio and erins bed half of the night due to waking up at 2 am from a nightmare.

when she woke up to her surprise antonio was still in bed too .. probably because she was laid on his chest and he didn't want to move her.

"morning.." victoria yawned.

"morning, you feeling any better?" antonio ran his fingers through victorias hair.

"kinda.. better than yesterday anyway" victoria shrugged.

"we're going to the district after lunch if you want to come? we're just doing paperwork so we'll only be there for a few hours" antonio smiled.

"sure" victoria nodded.

* at the district *

victoria was wearing the same thing as she was last night when she and antonio went for a walk and had her hood up as she listened to music.

"how she doing?" hank whispered to erin.

"shes struggling a little" erin sighed.

"how so?" hank pulled a face.

"nightmares are becoming a regular occurrence, past two days she been having them.. she's clinging to antonio and i way more than usual but a good thing is shes being a lot more honest with us.." erin explained.

hank nodded and walked into his office.

* huge time skip!! - march 1st ... wedding is in two days!! *

"so we all got our stuff ready?" erin smiled, she and antonio decided to have the wedding in maui as instead of a honey moon after the wedding they wanted to have a family holiday with everyone.. and i mean everyone.

"yeah! cant say im looking forward to this 9 hour flight though" victoria laughed.

"youll live" erin grinned.

* on the plane *

the whole unit with firehouse 51 and justin added on were all on the way to maui with antonio, eva, erin, diego and victoria.

they were staying in a villa by the beach for 4 weeks and had already planned multiple things for their month long stay, victoria was sat with adam and kev seeing as though she wanted to annoy them and they were honestly quite entertaining.

5 hours into the flight -

victoria had been asleep for the majority of the flight but woke up to an extremely unwelcomed flashback.

she felt herself becoming more and more anxious and could feel herself falling into a panic and like usual she had no clue how to deal with it so she found herself on the verge of tears, heart skipping beats and hyperventilating.

"tori whats up..?" adam looked at victoria with a concerned expression across his face.

"..im having a panic attack.. i-i.. i cant breathe." victoria whispered.

"oh jeez uh.. kev go get antonio or someone. hey look at me.. you're okay take a deep breath in through you nose and then out through your mouth." adam demonstrated and grabbed victorias hand, he always seemed to pick up on erin and antonio tracing shapes on the back of victorias hand when she was having a panic attack and it seemed to help distract her so he figured he would try it.

victoria had tears streaming down her cheeks and she felt as if the world around her was spinning, she was able to control her breathing but was still struggling to fully calm herself down.

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