72 (edited)

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huge trigger warning for the entire chapter -

the next morning ( 7:30 am ) -

victoria was awake by 4:30 am but wasn't joined out on the beach till 7:30 am, she was still wearing a sweater and shorts as she wasn't prepared to have her newly made wounds out on display.

"hey baby" antonio smiled slightly as he set his chair down.

"hi.." victoria nodded.

"how you doing?" antonio asked cautiously.

"not sure how much longer i'll be here.. i can't keep dealing with the same shit everyday.." victoria sighed.

antonio walked over to victoria and sat beside her, he pulled her into his side and the two just sat in silence.. comfortable silence.

"you think they'll stare..?" victoria whispered.

"no baby they won't stare and ill make sure of that.." antonio assured.

victoria leaned further into antonios side and let out a shaky breath along with a few tears that slipped down her cheeks, she was tired and wanted to give up however she was trying her very best to stay strong..

she was staying alive for the people around her, not herself.

by 8:21 am everyone else had joined victoria and antonio on the beach and were indulged in their own conversations so tori took that as her opportunity to go back to her villa and go to bed, she wanted to self harm but had 0 sharp objects in her room due to recent incidents which only made her feel more stressed out.

she paced the room as she grew more and more frustrated with herself and ended up throwing her fists at the wall a few times until she came up with a solution to her urges..

tori had an empty glass bottle under her bed which could easily be smashed up and used a self harming tool which is exactly how she found herself covered in blood once again.

her wrists were now covered in cuts to their entirety, she loved the sensation that burned through her skin after the cuts were made as it was able to relax her in a weird way however after that feeling faded she then repeated the process over and over again..

she cut her ankles and then even managed to place a few more cuts on her wrists, she watched as the blood slipped down her skin and let out a deep sigh as she let the urges to just end it right there swarm her head.

victoria snapped out of her trance like state after a few minutes and threw the piece of glass at the wall and she punched the floor repeatedly until she broke out into full on hysterics..

she let out a painful scream as she ran her hands over her face, blood was still running down her arms aswell as her ankles as she balled her eyes out.

"victoria? whats going on baby?" antonio knocked on the bathroom door repeatedly which indicated that he and the others must've heard her scream.

"i want it to stop. i cant do it anymore, i cant. please just make it stop." victoria sobbed out.

"open the door baby.." antonio sighed to himself.

victoria pulled herself off of the floor and unlocked the door, she stepped back slightly as antonio opened the door however when he was in sight victoria wrapped herself around him tightly.

"please just make it stop.." she pleaded with a tremendous amount of pain lacing her voice.

antonio kissed victorias head and lifted her up so on instinct she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her over to her bed, he laid her down carefully before laying beside her and holding her close to him as she cried.

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