18 (edited)

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* in erins apartment *

"okay thats everything" erin smiled as they finished bring the bags in.

"yuppp i completely forgot how much stuff i have" victoria pulled a face at herself.

"hey kiddo just letting you know i might have to head out if the team needs me so nadia is going to come over just incase." erin stated.

"okay, do you think we could set everything up in my room?" victoria asked, she was so excited for it to be fully set up.

"yeah of course!" erin said as she took her jacket off then pulled the huge box containing the vanity into victoria's room.

^when they finished setting everything up^

"woah.. i love it." victoria gazed around her new room.

" victoria gazed around her new room

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*the vanity is on the other side of the room, there are also led lights and theres also a door on the other side of the room leading to an ensuite bathroom, ill put a pic under this🤗*

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*the vanity is on the other side of the room, there are also led lights and theres also a door on the other side of the room leading to an ensuite bathroom, ill put a pic under this🤗*

*the vanity is on the other side of the room, there are also led lights and theres also a door on the other side of the room leading to an ensuite bathroom, ill put a pic under this🤗*

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"im glad you like it kiddo" erin smiled then heard a knock at the door.

"oh that must be nadia, ill be back in a second." erin walked out of victoria's room and went to answer the door which revealed nadia.

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