26 (edited)

588 7 0

* at med *

"what have we got?" ethan asked.

"14yr old female got into a fight, she has bruising to her cheekbone, eye, throat and a possible broken knee" gabby replied.

"ah victoria you again? okay uh bring her to trauma 2" ethan smiled.

shay and dawson then pushed the stretcher into trauma two and helped some nurses transfer victoria onto the bed.

"ow ow ow" victoria groaned as she moved onto the bed comfortably.

"okay victoria so im going to start by cleaning all this dried blood off of your face then we can have you change into a hospital gown and take an xray of your knee" ethan explained.

"okay" victoria nodded.

ethan started by cleaning up victorias cheek, lip and nose and then replaced the bandaging on her nose.

"nothing on your face seems broken except from your nose obviously. ill just go grab a nurse to put you an iv in whilst i order an xray" ethan smiled.

"thank you" victorias smiled back and just as ethan left erin and antonio walked into victorias hospital room.

"hey kiddo, how you feeling?" antonio asked.

"my knee is fucking killing but hey ruby looked at lot worse than i do right now" victoria smirked.

"yeah i heard from some nurses here she has a concussion, broken wrist, a few broken ribs, broken cheekbone and a broken jaw so i guess you really did get the better end of it" erin said.

"hah stupid bitch got what was coming" victoria laughed.

ethan and april walked into victorias room and greeted erin an antonio, april then got a needle ready to start victoria on an iv.

"ill put this in now but before i attach the pain meds ill let you change into a gown." april explained and put the iv into the crease of victorias arm.

"mom.. you are going to have to help me change because im basically paralysed right now" victoria laughed at herself.

"okay tori, tonio will you carry her into the bathroom so i can help her change?" erin asked.

"yeah of course" antonio walked over to the bed and picked victoria up bridal style then walked into the bathroom and sat victoria on the toilet seat.

erin walked in and shut the door behind her after antonio left and began helping victoria change.

"that looks really painful v" erin scanned victorias extremely swelled and bruised knee.

"it really is" victoria laughed slightly as she tried not to move her leg.

victoria took her shirt off and put her arms out as erin pulled the gown over her and tied it at the neck and the waist.

erin opened the door and told antonio he could come back in and he did exactly that then picked victoria up carefully and carried her out of the bathroom and onto the hospital bed.

"thank you" victoria smiled.

"of course kiddo" antonio smiled back and sat down next to erin.

ethan walked back into the room and prepared victoria for her xray, her brought the machine down and placed it just above her knee.

"okay stay still for just a second" ethan said.

victoria complied and watched as ethan took the xray.

the image came up on a screen next to erin and antonio about a minute later which gave ethan a little bit of time to put the xray machine back to its original position, he then moved over to the screen and looked over it before he could explain what had happened.

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