30 (edited)

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"can we leave the hospital yet?" victoria asked erin as she walked back into the hospital room.

"im not sure v, want me to go ask?" erin smiled weakly.

"yeah" victoria nodded.

"okay ill be just a second" erin briefly left the room and walked to the nurses station.

victoria sighed and took her phone out of her pocket.


hey. when we get to the district can i tell you about the guy who raped me?

yeah ofc, you feelin okay tori?

mhm ill be fine❤️

"they said we can leave now, they've also gave me a prescription for pain meds" erin explained.

"okay, are we going to the district?" victoria asked as she slowly put her airforces on.

"yeah, you wanna go home instead?" erin watched as victoria slowly put her shoes on.

"no its okay i wanna help you get him" victoria smiled slightly.

"okay babe, you ready?" erin asked.

"yeah lets go" victoria nodded, she got off of the hospital bed and followed erin out of the room however it took her a few minutes considering the amount of pain she was in.

*at the district*

"hey trudy" victoria smiled as best as she could.

"hi kiddo, you good?" trudy smiled back and walked over to the teen.

"as good as i can be" victoria nodded.

"take it easy kid" trudy smiled and walked back to her desk as erin and victoria walked upstairs to intelligence.

"hi dad" victoria walked straight over to antonio and wrapped her arms around him.

"hey baby, you okay?" antonio asked wrapping his arms around victoria but being careful about his placement.

"ill be okay" victoria whispered.

"where's mouse?" victoria asked and looked around the room.

"downstairs i think, you want me to call him up here?" nadia asked from her desk.

"no its okay i'll go to him" victoria smiled weakly and walked down to the tech office.

as she approached the office she knocked on the door before walking in as mouse seemed to be talking with jay.

"hey kid" jay smiled.

"hi jay, can you stay down here for like a few minutes whilst i tell mouse what the guy looks like?" victoria asked then walked over to the table and carefully sat her self on it.

"yeah of course" jay nodded as he sat on the table opposite victoria and looked at mouse.

"alright just start whenever you like tori" mouse smiled.

"mk so he was white.. bald i remember that because i called him a bald cunt, i think he was just taller than you jay.. he was medium sized, not big or thin. oh he had scruffy blue jeans on, a white shirt and black jacket.. and tattoos and his hand and neck" victoria explained.

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