7 (edited)

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huge trigger warning!!

"hey kid how you feeling?" al asked kindly.

"i'm okay, thanks" victoria replied still standing awkwardly with her head to the floor.

"enhere come sit down" antonio said guiding victoria to his desk.

"okay" victoria replied hesitantly sitting down.

"you need anything?" erin asked the girl next to her.

"no i'm okay thank you." victoria then spun slowly on antonio's chair.

"so what have we got on salvador so far?" voight asked eagerly.

"okay so we heard him talking about a possible deal that's going down in a few days, only problem is that we don't know who he's going to have with him and how much dope he's selling" jay replied.

"alright.. keep ears on the wire, victoria by any chance will you be going with him?" voight asked the girl sat at antonio's desk.

"uhh i mean possibly.. i mean i probably will be if tjay's the buyer" victoria answered as she looked voight in the eye briefly before looking down at the floor again.

"wait who's tjay?" adam asked in a confused tone.

"he's this dealer that deals off of the corner of 19th street, he comes to my house like twice a week he's harmless really. he's family" victoria shrugged, to her tjay is just a huge teddy bear and he's actually really nice to victoria ... unlike her dad.

nobody knew how to reply so they just stayed in awkward silence each of them hoping someone would say something.

"so uh anyways what time do you need to be home tori?" erin asked trying to change the subject.

"well its 12:00pm now so like 3:15pm? so my dad thinks i've been to school" victoria nodded slowly.

"why didn't you want to go today?" erin questioned.

"to be honest i just felt really shitty so i decided to leave the house at around 6 just so i didn't have to deal with salvador screaming in my ears so then i got up and went for a walk then i just decided i may as well ditch school" victoria admitted.

"you going tomorrow?" antonio joined the conversation.

"hmm its friday tomorrow right?" victoria asked whilst looking up at the ceiling.

"yep sure is" erin and antonio replied in sync.

"then yeah i guess" victoria shrugged.

*victoria's phone pings*

gays and girls🤩


okay so i was thinkinggg and i've decided we're drinking tomorrow at 7pm my basement since my parents are out🥳🥳


okay what drinks are we thinking then?

hmm vodka obviously, cider and beer??


sounds good we smokin? 🍃


yeah why not, bring as many drinks as possible!!!

okay el , jordan and jazz call me later to talk about outfits!!


okay girl love youu

love youuu

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