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*as stated huge trigger warning, i will add a few more when necessary but here is just a first reminder - january 8th 2023*

"back at dance in a few weeks v" erin smiled and grabbed her coffee from the counter.

"im so impatient it feels like i havent danced in foreverrr" victoria groaned making antonio and erin laugh.

"well we're heading over to the district to do some paperwork, wanna come with us and just hang out with everyone since eva and diego are at their moms?" antonio asked.

"yeah sure" victoria nodded.

*at the district*

victoria was sat in her usual spot between hanks office and the breakroom just scrolling through tiktok when she randomly got the idea to go to walmart and buy some candy.

"mom can i go to walmart?" victoria asked and looked over to erin.

"sure but please dont be too long and keep your location on babe" erin agreed, everyone was okay with victoria going places alone since the thing with julia had blown over.

"i will" victoria smiled and made her way down from intelligence and out of the district.

she began walked to walmart and bought some jolly ranchers, airheads, mike & ikes, laffy taffys and two redbulls.

it was when she was walking back to the district she felt as if someone was watching her so to be safe and to give her some sort of reassurance she called erin and continued walking.

⚠️trigger warning⚠️

"hey everything okay sweetheart?" erin asked.

"yeah i think so.. i feel like im being followed or watched but im sure its nothing.." victoria attempted to reassure herself but she wasnt exactly the comforting type.

"where are you right now? ill come pick you up" erin stated.

"uh near the abandoned apartment complex just down from- GET OFF ME!!" victoria felt someone grab her from behind and she dropped everything in her hands.. including her phone.

"victoria. tori what's happening?!" erin asked in a worried tone, by this point erin had put victoria on speaker and the bullpen fell silent.. all that could be heard was victorias desperate screams for help.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! GET OFF ME YOU STUPID FAT CUNT" victoria fought as best as she could against the two men but it was no use, they were much stronger and bigger than her.

she was shoved into the back off a van and was pistol whipped which knocked her out cold.

*at the district with the unit*

"what just happened.." jays eyes widened.

"victoria has just been kidnapped.." erin stated, she still hadnt taken her gaze away from her phone.

"hank!!" al shouted and hank walked out of his office.

"whats up?" hank looked around the room, everyone had gone pale and worry was filling their eyes.

"someone has just taken victoria.." al announced.

"are you sure? how do we know?" hank pulled a face.

"she called me saying she felt like someone was watching her.. she said it was like she was being followed so i asked where she was and i was going to pick her up but then she started screaming telling someone to get off her.. two voices were in the background telling her to shut up screaming or theyd kill her." erin looked at hank with desperation and anxiety painting over her face.

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