79❤️ (edited)

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"are you sure..?" erin asked cautiously, she thought that due to what caused victoria to get pregnant she wouldn't have wanted to keep it.

"yeah im sure.. a bad thing happened to me but.. im going to make something good out of that." victoria smiled.

"we support you 100%" antonio smiled and hugged victoria.

"yeah baby, we're always going to support you mkay?" erin kissed the top of victorias head and grinned.

"thank you" victoria grinned, "maybe this could be good for me.. you know like maybe having a baby could like give me something to focus on?".

"that could be true" erin nodded.

later that day -

"we should throw a little party, announce the pregnancy" victoria suggested.

"if thats what you wanna do then sure! we'll invite the unit round for later tonight and maybe a few people from the firehouse?" antonio nodded.

"yeah sounds good" victoria smiled.

7 pm -

"so whats going on?" hank asked.

"well.. i've got a little announcement" victoria winked.

everyone then went silent and victoria begun feeling somewhat anxious about how everyone would react.

"im pregnant" victoria announced.

the room stayed silent for a few seconds however soon after victorias announcement everyone begun congratulating her.

time skip - 5 months later (november 11th) *victoria is 6 months pregnant* -

"morning babe" erin smiled.

"morning mom" victoria smiled back as she sat next to erin on the sofa.

"you feeling alright?" erin asked.

"yeah, didn't get much sleep because of the little human inside of me but other than that im great" victoria nodded.

"we got your 24 week scan today, appointment is at 1" erin informed.

"i can't wait to find out the gender" victoria smiled.

"we stickin to the plan?" erin asked.

"yep! the doctor gives me the envelope with the gender inside and then i give you the envelope for the gender reveal party" victoria nodded with a grin across her face.

at the scan -

"hi victoria! how you feeling?" natalie smiled as she just so happened to be victorias obstetrician.

"great!" victoria smiled back.

"you ready to find out the gender of your baby?" natalie asked.

"yeah, mom's planning the gender reveal party" victora nodded.

"okay so what ill do is just give her the envelope with the gender inside, unless you want me to tell you now?" natalie smiled.

"you can give mom the envelope" victoria replied.

"okay well there you go" natalie grinned and turned the ultrasound towards victoria so she could see.

"oh wow" victoria smiled.

later that day (gender reveal party!!) -

"so what are you hoping for?" antonio asked.

"honestly i dont mind" victoria shrugged.

a lifelineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon