64 (edited)

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* trigger warning *

victoria and antonio were greeted by the unit as they walked out of the bathroom and everybody immediately asked how victoria was doing.

"im okay.. little worn down but ill manage.." victoria smiled lazily, "what about thomas..? he going away?".

"yeah hes going away for a long time baby.. you dont need to testify either because there's enough evidence to send him straight to county" erin assured.

"mkay.. how long do i need to stay here?" victoria asked as she slowly sat herself onto the bed.

"theyre keeping you overnight but they said you should be able to go home at around lunchtime tomorrow if you get through the night okay" antonio informed.

"im guessing gabbys at the house with eva and diego..?" victoria pulled her blanket over her.

"yeah they're asking about you baby" antonio smiled.

"why dont you get gabby to bring them here? im okay.." victoria assured.

"you want them here?" antonio asked too clarify.

"yeah" victoria nodded.

when gabby dropped eva & diego off at the hospital -

"hey buddy" victoria smiled as diego ran into the room.

"hi tori!!" diego grinned.

"hey ev" victoria smiled.

"hey tori, you doing okay?" eva asked and sat at the foot of victorias bed.

"im okay im tired if anything" victoria nodded, she realised that diego was distracted by adam and kev so she quickly mouthed 'ill tell you later' to eva who nodded in reply.

"hey tori, how you feeling? you in any pain?" natalie smiled as she walked in the room.

"little achy i guess" victoria admitted.

"alright, from 1-10 how bad would you say the pain is?" natalie nodded.

"8?" victoria shrugged.

"okay im going to up your dose on your pain meds and ill be back to check on you in around an hour or so mkay?" natalie smiled and changed the dose on the iv before leaving the room.

"you wanna get some rest kid?" adam asked.

"no im okay.. mom you think i could talk to dr charles..?" victoria looked to erin, hearing that question worried erin slightly and it was somewhat evident by her facial expressions.

"yeah of course you can, you actually have a session later on tonight. want me to get someone to page him?" erin nodded.

"mhm thank you" victoria replied.

erin walked out of the room and too the nurses station to get a nurse to page dr charles who appeared minutes later.

"hi victoria, how would you like to come talk in my office?" dr charles smiled.

"yeah sure" victoria nodded and slowly got off the bed, "dont miss me too much" she smiled slightly as she walked out of the room with dr charles.

"so whats been bothering you?" dr charles asked and held his office door open for her.

"just everything i guess.. im uh.. im having thoughts of relapsing again with everything thats happened in the last few days.." victoria sighed as she carefully sat in one of the chairs opposite dr charles' desk.

"okay, would you like to talk about what happened?" he nodded.

"i got raped again yesterday and it brought up the flashbacks from the other times its happened.. im starting to get a lot more jumpy around people.. men." victoria admitted.

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