32 (edited)

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*time skip - 10:39 am*

"im bored" victoria groaned.

"what do you wanna do?" antonio looked down at victoria, she was sat inbetween his and erins desk.

"hmm.. i think i might have an idea" victoria smirked, she got off of the floor and walked into hanks office.

"hey are you busy right now?" victoria asked.

"not right now no, whats up?" hank looked up.

"wanna go out for food?" victoria smiled.

"sure why not" hank smiled back, he got out of his chair and grabbed his jacket.

"so where ya thinkin?" hank asked, he wrapped his arm around victoria but was careful to not touch any of her bruises.

"you know the diner off of west 31 st, its really good" victoria suggested.

"oh yeah, ive been a couple times" hank nodded.

the two walked out of his office and into the bullpen.

"im taking victoria out for lunch, call if you need anything" hank stated.

"alright have fun!" erin smiled.

hank and victoria walked down the steps out of intelligence and began walking to hanks car.

*at the diner*

"so what you thinking?" hank looked up from his menu and looked at victoria.

"hmm not sure.. maybe waffles" victoria thought aloud.

"good choice" hank smiled.

the two ordered their meals and began eating until random gunshots were fired at the diner windows, victoria and hank were relatively close to the window leading them both to be shot.

"5021!! 10-1. 10-1!!! i got shots fired at the corner of west 31st! i need multiple ambos ASAP! 4 civilians with GSW's!!!" hank managed to radio for help as he was shot in the arm and it was a through and through however victoria took a hit to the chest - just under her left collarbone.

"victoria?! oh jeez okay.. stay with me kid" hank rushed over to victoria laying on the floor gasping for breath's.

"i..fuck this hurts" victoria was fully conscious but in severe pain.

"hey no, stay laid down the ambulances are on their way" hank was able to hear multiple sirens coming closer and closer to the diner.

"let me check something real quick kiddo" hank gently turned victoria onto her side to check if the wound was a through and through - it was.

the intelligence unit swarmed the premises aswell as paramedics coming through for civilians.

"hey what do we have?" a paramedic asked.

"gsw to the chest, its a through and through but shes lost quite abit a blood" hank explained.

"okay. sir your bleeding?" the paramedic stated.

"im fine just help her first" hank wasn't bothered about the fact he was shot, he was more concerned about victoria and her wellbeing.

"okay, get her on the stretcher. carefully" the male paramedic ordered his partner.

"oh my god hank!! what happened?!" erin burst through the doors of the diner.

"i don't have a clue erin. i want to find everything possible on these guys, meet me at the hospital i gotta get this checked out" hank followed the paramedics that were with victoria and got in the back of the ambulance.

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