37 (edited)

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"okay uhm.. how much do they know exactly?" aaron asked.

"maybe too much" victoria smirked slightly.

"mhm.." aaron nodded.

"v are you together?" erin asked.

"no hes got a boyfriend" victoria smiled.

"ohh okay" erin smiled and nodded.

"here sit down" victoria pulled aaron onto the bed and rested her head on his shoulder.

"dad.. you good?" victoria noticed antonio just staring blankly at the wall.

"yeah im good baby, just in my own world" he smiled, he was remembering the time he heard victoria say she gave aaron head.

"hows it been since you and ellie ended things?" aaron asked.

"well obviously we're still friends and it isn't awkward but i don't think she should of ended it the way she did" victoria admitted.

"what happened?" aaron questioned and wrapped his arm around victoria.

"it was kind of an argument.. here read the messages" victoria unlocked her phone and clicked onto hers and ellie chat.


tori you need help.

no i dont im fine, ive told you millions of times im okay.

victoria your telling me that cutting yourself everyday is 'okay' ?

dont go there. i told u that bc i trusted u.

victoria you know fine well ill tell someone abt this

ellie istg if u say anything i wont talk to u ever again, its not up to u to tell people.

well ur clearly not planning on it anytime soon🤨

ffs why dont u understand its not that simple? dont act like u care when ive seen the ss of what u have been sending other ppl.


dont act stupid u know exactly what im on about.

like it matter's literally everyone knows ur suicidal🤣

your fucking joking rnt u?honestly ellie i trusted u with my life and u pull this shit? wow

victoria get a grip we're done i cba with u, ur probs just gunna cut urself more anyways🤣🤣

fuck off u stupid little slut.
can't believe i trusted u

few weeks after.

toria im sorry for everything, i really dont wanna loose u. u are the bestest friend ive ever had.

ellie what u said fuckin killed me.

im so so sorry tori, i want us to be okay again.

dont ever pull that shit again or youll have it worse than ruby did

i wont ever hurt you like that again, i promise🫶🏼

a lifelineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora