71 (edited)

220 8 4

trigger warning!!

next day ( 8 : 00 am ) -

noáh had stopped by victorias villa early that morning and gave her one of his hoodies as well as one of his shirts as he was going home so he stopped by too say goodbye.

she decided to go back to sleep for a while as it was only 4 am when noáh stopped by so once she woke up she got out of bed and changed into a black and white bikini aswell as putting on some black sliders.

before she left her villa she picked up her towel, phone, airpods, sunglasses, hat, tanning oil, lotion, hair brush and scrunchie and then made her way out to the beach.

"morning" victoria smiled whilst setting her towel down beside justin.

"morning, i saw noáh stopping by your villa early this morning what was that about?" antonio raised his eyebrow.

"its not what you think, hes on his way home right now and he stopped by early to say bye and he gave me one of his hoodies and one of shirts" victoria explained.

"does he live close by?" erin asked.

"yeah he lives in chicago, not sure where but yeah" victoria smiled.

"you really like him huh?" erin smiled back.

"yeah i do.. its what dyl would've wanted. if he saw that i still hadn't moved on he would actually kill me" victoria laughed to herself.

erin and antonio smiled sadly as they hadn't heard victoria talk about dylan in a while, especially not without breaking down.

"okay anyways lets stop being so depressed.. justin you met anyone yet?" victoria asked.

"not yet but hey we've only been here two days" justin shrugged.

"that didn't stop me" victoria laughed.

"okay so lets make a bet, i bet $50 i'll be able to find someone by the end of this week" justin stuck his hand out for victoria to shake as he finished speaking.

"thats bold but sure" victoria shrugged and shook justins hand.

a few hours later -

after everyone had eaten some lunch they decided to go for a hike through a rain forest as many people considered it therapeutic and scenic.

"i just know that by tomorrow i will be crippled" victoria huffed.

"you'll be fine" antonio laughed.

an hour into the hike -

"nope im dead" victoria groaned, she could feel herself out to pass out at any moment in time.

"c'mere" antonio walked over to victoria and just as he got to her she passed out, luckily he caught her before she hurt herself, "and shes out..".

antonio told everyone just to walk ahead whilst he sat with victoria, a few minutes after she passed out she regained consciousness.

"im good" she coughed as she ran her hands over her face.

"you had your b12 shot yet?" antonio asked.

"nope" victoria shook her head.

antonio pulled one of the needles out of his bag and passed it to victoria who shoved it in her stomach before giving it back to antonio so he could dispose of it properly.

after waiting another couple of minutes the two began walking again only this time antonio carried victoria on his back.

"you know how i've been doing really well these past few months.." victoria spoke up randomly.

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