25 (edited)

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* at the courthouse *

"we're here, you ready kiddo?" erin asked.

"mhm.. just preparing myself mentally" victoria whispered.

they all got out of the car and walked into the courthouse and they were greeted by hank, alvin, adam and kevin.

"hey vicky" hank smiled and engulfed victoria into a hug.

"hi hank" victoria hugged hank back.

"you ready to do this kid?" al asked.

"yup i think so" victoria smiled weakly.

"come on, its nearly time" antonio gestured for everyone to follow him, victoria held onto his hand and erin stayed behind everyone to talk to hank.

"so you two together now?" hank asked.

"yes.. before you say no it wont affect work" erin stated.

"okay good but i was going to say that im happy for you, you got your own little family er" hank smiled and held a door open for her.

the group reached the courtroom and walked in and everyone took their seats and waited until the trial started.

"all rise!" the judge shouted.

"we are gathered here to witness the trial of salvador estafôn lopez!" the judge called out.

"take your seats!" the judge motioned for everyone to sit down.

"so what have we got the defendant on?" the judge asked.

"child abuse, neglect, murder, attempted murder and distribution of drugs" a lawyer called out, she was tall and had honey brown hair, she was wearing a black knee length skirt, white blouse and a blazer.

"how does the defendant plead?" the judge asked.

"not guilty" salvador smirked.

"alright then, we got any witnesses?" the judge scanned the room.

"yes we do, your honour im calling salvadors daughter victoria-jade lopez to the stand!" the brunette lawyer stated.

and with that victoria stood up and was guided to the stand by a police officer.

"thank you" victoria whispered and in reply the officer nodded with a slight smile.

victoria sat down and swore to god that she would tell the truth and only the truth.

"so miss lopez you are mr lopez's only child?" an older looking male lawyer asked.

"yes" victoria nodded.

"okay, did you grow up with your mom around?" the male asked.

"no, she left when i was 2" victoria replied.

"miss lopez, you have filed charges against your father for child abuse and neglect, is that correct?" the female lawyer chimed in.

"correct" victoria nodded.

"if you dont mind, could i ask you what sort of things he would do to you?" the woman smiled weakly.

"he would often punch me to the ground and kick me in my back, ribs and sometimes even stomp on my face.. most recently he broke my nose however he also seems to like choking me. many times it has gotten to the point were i have passed out due to a lack of oxygen." victoria explained briefly.

"can you tell me more about the ways he would abuse you?" the woman asked.

"he would drug me and starve me for days on end, there has been many occasions where i have ended up in hospital due to an overdose or starvation he has caused but he would blame me and say i tried taking my life or saying that i was starving myself" victoria added.

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