21 (edited)

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* about an hour later *

"hey victoria, you think i can take a few statements from you?" hank asked as he approached the teen who was still sat inbetween erin and antonio's desks.

"yeah okay" victoria smiled and got up off of the chair and followed hank into his office.

"you mind if alvin joins us?" hank stood at his office door leaning on the frame.

"i dont mind" victoria sat on one of the chairs infront of hanks desk and waited as the two men came into the office before shutting the door behind them.

"so what statements do you need from me?" victoria played with her fingers as she tried to maintain eye contact with voight.

"so we need to know about the abuse, the murder and a short one about the bust we got him on" hank smiled weakly to the girl sitting across from him.

"okay soo which first?" victoria asked.

"how about we do the statement on the deal since it will be the shortest one. all you need to tell us is why you were there and briefly explain what happened" alvin nodded from the chair next to victoria.

"okay" victoria nodded and took a deep breath before continuing her sentence.

* time skip to when all the statements were taken - 12:14 pm *

"that everything?" victoria asked.

"yup, welldone kiddo you did amazing" al smiled.

"thank you" victoria returned the smile.

"just tellin the truth kid" al nodded and left the office.

"so you doing okay?.. erin told me" hank smiled weakly.

"well considering everything going on i think im actually okay.. right now anyway" victoria shrugged.

"good to hear kiddo, remember you can call anyone one of us whenever you feel the need to talk to someone" hank smiled and got out of his chair, he rubbed victorias shoulder and left his office leaving victoria alone.

*victoria's phone starts to ring*

"hey ellie whats up?" victoria said as she answered the call.

"where are you right now?.. i need you tori" ellie sobbed over the phone.

"im at the 21st district with erin whats goin on ells?" victoria got of her chair and walked into the bullpen.

"i just got home and my mom she's dead tori.." ellie whispered over the phone.

"hey no what do you mean? what happened el?" victoria was pacing the room at this point which caught everyones attention.

"i think she overdosed.. i don't know but i need you, can i come to the district?" ellie asked.

"yeah of course you can ellie, stay on the phone to me and tell me when your here yeah?" victoria put her phone on speaker and placed it on erin's desk.

"whats going on tori?" erin whispered.

victoria put her phone on mute so ellie couldn't hear her talking and then began explaining the situation.

"ellie just found her mom dead in the house." victoria sighed.

"oh god, she okay?" erin asked.

"i dont think so.. i told her to come here if thats alright?" victoria questioned.

"yeah of course it is, ill get patrol to go to her house okay babe?" erin smiled weakly.

"yeah, thank you" victoria returned the smile and took herself off of mute.

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