13 (edited)

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the team just stared as victoria sat on the edge of antonio's desk and swung her leg's slightly.

"you're dad killed someone?" erin asked as she tried comprehending what victoria just said.

"yupp made me watch and help move the body" victoria replied as she stayed extremely unfazed, she was more confused about the fact they were only bothered about the murder.

"when was this?" hank asked, he was more than eager to hear every single detail.

"last year, i can give you every little detail if you think it'll make my dad have more time in prison" victoria shrugged whilst looking hank in the eye.

"you sure kid?" al asked whilst also joining in on the conversation.

"yeah i want him away for as long as physically possible" victoria nodded in confirmation.

"alright uh antonio you and erin take the statement then update us yeah?" hank asked.

"yeah copy that" antonio replied.

"wanna go talk in the break room?" erin asked, she wanted nothing more than to make sure victoria was comfortable.

"yeah okay" victoria said as she jumped down from antonio's desk and walked into the breakroom sitting down on the sofa as erin and antonio followed her in and grabbed two chairs before turning them so they were facing victoria.

"so who did your dad murder?" antonio questioned.

"his name was jason copeland, he was 36" victoria replied, she remembered every single detail about the man.

"okay, why did he kill jason?" erin tuned into the conversation.

"it was over drugs like usual, jason was trying to debate the price of the meth my dad was selling which made dad even more pissed by the second till eventually he pulled out his gun and shot him point blank in the head." victoria said blankly whilst remembering the gruesome picture of the mans lifeless body laid in her kitchen.

"your doing great tori, you said your dad made you help move the body? where was it moved too?" antonio questioned as he wrote down everything victoria was saying.

victoria zoned out as she got vivid flashbacks of her dad putting a gun to her head and screaming at her telling her she better help move the body or shes next..

"tori..?" erin looked to victoria, she was completely spaced out and just staring at the floor.

"yeah.. uhm we drove around 10 minutes away to this place.. the silos i think its called? after we got there we wandered around for like five minutes till we stopped outside of some sort of construction site" victoria crossed her legs on the sofa and slowly stroked over wrists as she started getting slightly anxious about the whole situation.

"alright just two last questions, did you notice any cameras around and do you think if we brought you to the silos you'd be able to show us where the body was dumped?" erin asked as she noticed how distressed the girl was getting.

"uh yeah i did there was two cameras at the construction site but i didn't say anything to dad because i was to scared about what would happen to me, yeah i can remember it like the back of my hand." victoria sighed, she wanted nothing more than to get the gruesome images out of her head, she wasnt exactly fussed about the fact she saw a man get killed .. it was more about the fact her dad would've / could've killed her.

"alright tori you did amazing, i'll just go tell the team and then erin and voight will take you to the silos yeah?" antonio stated as he got out of the chair and walked over to the teen to rub her shoulder reassuringly before leaving to go inform the rest of the unit about the information he was just given.

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