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victoria decided to go for a walk with justin and hank whilst the team were all out working on leads.

"so how long have you been a dancer?" justin asked.

"well i started when i was 2, started competing when i was 6 and left my studio when i was around 10 but i did a competition last year just after my thirteenth birthday" victoria explained.

"you have a competition coming up on sunday right?" hank questioned.

"yeah ive got a solo and a group dance" victoria smiled.

"well all of us will be there to support you" hank informed.

the three carried on walking for a few minutes then decided to drop by target just to pick a few things up.

"fuck my life. why is she walking towards us?" victoria groaned, she noticed that julia was also in target and was walking closer to hank, justin and her.

"hey i can handle it if you want?" hank asked.

"nah i got this" victoria shook her head and placed her jolly ranchers and airheads in the cart.

"mkay but dont punch anything this time" hank winked and in reply victoria rolled her eyes.

"what are you doing here?" julia asked.

"shopping what does it look like?" victoria pulled a face.

"do you know those men?" julia looked both justin and hank up and down.

"you remember sergeant voight right? and this is his son justin" victoria pointed to both men.

"why are you with them?" julia raised her way over plucked eyebrow.

"because i can??" victoria scoffed.

"have you heard that they're taking us to court next week?" julia smirked.

"yup i mean not that you're gunna win" victoria shrugged.

"im your mother, of course ill win" julia sassed.

"mhmm.." victoria nodded and rolled her eyes.

"why are you wearing such a revealing outfit? why are you so bruised? and those cuts.. why are you showing your body off?" julia scanned over victorias body.

"mkay 1- not that its any of your business but i just got back from dance like an hour ago, 2- yesterday i was kidnapped and beat, 3- why are you concerned? and 4- what gives you the right to tell me what to do with MY body?" victoria pulled an annoyed face.

"your dancing again?" julia smiled.

"dont act bothered. i just told you i was kidnapped and beaten yesterday and your more concerned about me dancing? wow what a wonderful mother you are! mother of the year award has officially been given to you!" victoria clapped sarcastically.

"oh right .. why did you get kidnapped?" julia tried to act bothered but it was evident she couldn't care less.

"white supremacists wanted to kill me for protesting against racism and gun violence" victoria shrugged.

"those men were only defending themselves when they shot those boys!" julia stated.

"nah get lost i am not speaking to anymore. i can't believe you just said that to me, kai was one of those boys who was killed!" victorias eyes widened.

"k-kai whitlock?" julia stuttered.

"yeah kai whitlock, my childhood bestfriend. my boyfriend was the other boy who was killed, dylan jones." victoria shook her head and attempted to stay calm.

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