16 (edited)

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* at med *

"what do we have gabby?" a nurse asked as gabby and shay wheeled in the stretcher that victoria layed unconscious on.

"victoria-jade lopez, 14 years old had a panic attack and stopped breathing for around a minute whilst in route, shes unconscious and has been out since before we got to her." gabby replied.

"alright take her to trauma 1! april, ethan you got this?" the nurse asked.

"yeah" both of them replied in sync as they followed the paramedics into trauma 1.

"okay on my count, 1..2..3" the doctor ordered as they lifted victoria off of the stretcher and onto the bed.

a few minutes later, gabby and shay were about to leave when they bumped into erin and tjay.

"hey, how's she doing?" erin asked.

"she's okay, she stopped breathing for a minute in the ambo but shes breathing by herself again now." shay nodded.

erin sighed audibly, she was beyond concerned about the teenager..

when will she get a break?

"what room is she in?" tjay asked curiously.

"she's in trauma 1 if you both wanna go see her" gabby smiled at both erin and tjay before her and shay left to go back to 51.

erin and tjay walked up to trauma 1 and saw victoria was now conscious but look quite scared.

"hey babygirl how you doin?" tjay smiled and walked up to the bed as he saw that victoria was now awake.

"im okay i guess.. did you get him?" victoria's eyes trailed over to erin who was leaning against the doorway.

"yeah we got him tori he won't ever hurt you again, i promise you that" erin nodded and sat beside tjay.

"wait uhm tjay how are you here? aren't you supposed to be like arrested or something?" victoria said in a confused manor.

"no kiddo he's not going to prison, he's not really a threat to anyone" erin smiled and nodded as she watched the doctor walk back into the room to exam victoria's badly beaten face.

"hi victoria my names ethan, can i just check your injuries quickly?" ethan smiled at the tender aged girl.

"mhm.. i got these uh.. bruises on my back, chest, thighs and stomach too.. they're really painful." victoria whispered so she was barely audible.

"okay, ill just check you nose first yeah?" ethan grabbed victoria's chin carefully realising it was starting to bruise then examined her extremely broken nose.

"mmm.. im sorry to say but it's definitely broken victoria" ethan looked at victoria sadly, how was such a young girl so badly injured?

"hm courtesy of my father i guess" victoria shrugged.

"okay.. can you take your shirt off and sit up for me so i can check your other bruises?" ethan asked as he remembered the girl mentioned other bruising.

"yeah sure" victoria nodded as she sat up with her legs dangling off of the bed and took her shirt off carefully not wanting it to get caught on her nose somehow.

ethan decided it would be easier to examine victoria's back first, when he saw the bruise he gasped slightly at how purple/red it was.

"how long ago did this one happen?" ethan asked.

"uhh the one on my back.. uh thursday night? same with my throat except he grabbed it again like an hour ago.." victoria replied sadly.

"okay ill just check your stomach and then yours thighs now so i can decide wether we need xrays" ethan smiled sadly.. this poor girl had gone through so much at such a young age.

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