48 (edited)

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*time skip - two weeks later (around nov 27-28??)*

"has everyone finished packing? we leave at 4 am" erin asked.

"yeah i think so, im so happy that i dont have dance for a few weeks" victoria smiled.

"its going to be a nice little break, just us, the team and the sun" antonio winked.

*4 am*

diego had already went back to sleep but eva and victoria opted to stay awake so they could just sleep on the plane.

the airport was around an hour and a half away meaning by the time the got through security and everything it would be around 6:20 am.

"you two sure you dont wanna go to sleep?" antonio asked.

"ill last, not the first time ive pulled an all nighter" victoria shrugged.

"same im not even tired yet" eva agreed.

"well the flight is a long one so you'll have plenty of time to sleep on the plane if you get tired" erin smiled.

"whos sitting next to who?" victoria asked.

"anyone you want, i think we're mixing it up a bit seen as though the unit and justin are tagging along" erin replied.

"hmm i think i might just have to sit and annoy justin" victoria smirked.




r yall nearly at the airport?

yh nearly, do u have a redbull i can have🙏🏽

i do, i have multiple actually because u see im just prepared. maybe a little too prepared...

have a cig w me when u get here


u think we could find a dealer in ibiza?

im a 14 yr old girl ofc ppl will give me drugs

i might find a hot girl to hook up with🥳

i mean sure u can do that too😭😭

"mkay we're here, looks like we're just waiting for kev and adam" erin stated.

everyone got out of the car and antonio woke diego up to let him know that they were at the airport.

victoria ran over to justin and bear hugged him as she did everytime they saw eachother.

"walk around the corner so we can have a cig, i feel weird smoking around eva and diego" victoria whispered, she was still wrapped around justins waist and he began walking around the corner slightly.

he placed her onto the floor and passed her a cig and placed one into his mouth whilst lighting victorias.

"im sitting next to you on the plane" victoria smirked.

"who else? its a three seater so who should we allow to sit with us" justin raised his eyebrow.

"hmm..eva?" victoria suggested.

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