47 (edited)

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*trigger warning ⚠️*

*at a random cafe*

"so what does everyone want?" antonio asked.

"pancakes!" diego announced.

"hm.. waffles please" eva smiled.

"ill have pancakes too" erin winked at diego.

"what about you babe?" antonio looked at victoria who seemed to be zoned out again.

"oh uh.. just some fruit" victoria smiled.

after everyone had eaten -

"so what are the plans for today?" eva asked.

"well we can go to a theme park?" antonio suggested.

"six flags?!" diego grinned.

"sure why not, it will be like a two hour ride though" antonio agreed.

"thats okay" eva and diego shrugged, victoria wasn't even aware of the conversation going on she was more focused on kai's funeral tomorrow.

"you ready to go v?" erin asked.

"oh yeah lets go" victoria nodded and followed everyone out of the diner, she got into the car and decided to put her airpods in but kept one out just incase someone needed to speak to her.

"want the radio on?" erin looked at the children in the back seat.

"yeah!!" diego smiled.

victoria looked at eva and passed her the other airpod, the two also exchanged socials and were just messaging eachother random things whilst victoria also messaged justin.



hey v, you okay?

mhm got caught out last night tho😃

oh god what were u doing

i was soo high like no joke i didnt even know where i was or who i was

damnn who caught u?

tonio, i mean they were okay abt it but like i was on coke and heroin so i was full on trippin😰😰

i feel like we need to get stoned together at some point🤔🤔

yes then we can exchange more awkward stories😝

i can come over tn?🥸

yes pls do but we cannot get caught bc i think erin might acc kill u...

yes she probs will but its okay im a fast runner🥳🥳

me too😎

wyd rn?

omw to six flags

damn u lucky asf💔

haha suck my dick😘

u dont have one or else i would have😔😔

yh i do. its massive its like 16"😉😉

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