43 (edited)

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possibly triggering‼️

victoria slept in till 2 pm which wasn't too surprising considering she didn't actually go to sleep till 5 am.

she sat up in her bed and grabbed her phone off her nightstand to text her friends.

gays and girls🤩

what time are we thinking of leaving?

maybe from 4-7 or 5-8?

yeah thats a good idea, we still protesting outside of city hall?

yeah, remember to wear the shirts

so how far are we going with this? we actually gunna get violent or no?

i mean if white supremacists show up then yeah🤷🏼‍♀️

we stick to the plan, we dont get violent unless they start first mkay?

okay yeah, see you all soon❤️

victoria updated the jfkd insta page about the time of the protest 4-7 pm then walked into her bathroom and brushed her teeth aswell as doing her skin care, she then went back into her room and sat at her vanity to undo her hair and brush it out.

she finished up on her hair then grabbed her jfkd shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans, nike socks and a pair of black jordans. the shirt can be seen in the previous chapter!!!

it was around 2:41 pm when victoria finished changing, she quickly sprayed some of kai's and dylan's aftershave on her shirt then thought it would probably best that she made an appearance to her parents so they didn't think she was dead.

"morning" victoria wandered into the sitting room and sat on the sofa. "correction good afternoon" she smirked to herself.

"you sleep okay?" erin smiled.

"i fell asleep around 5 am? i dunno" victoria shrugged.

"what time are you all holding this protest?" antonio remembered.

"4 till 7" victoria turned to face both erin and antonio.

"well like we've said, the whole unit is going to be there aswell as kim and sean. we're just going to be there making sure nothing happens" antonio nodded.

"okay, i think we're expecting a few white supremacists judging by some of the comments on the jfkd instagram page" victoria laughed.

"well we'll keep an eye out, try stay outta trouble though v" erin pleaded.

"yeah of course, we arent planning on be violent unless it comes to us having to defend ourselves" victoria reassured.

* 4:35 pm - city hall *

"WE WONT STOP FIGHTING UNTIL THEY LISTEN TO US!!" victoria shouted, ironically she was stood on top of a smashed up police car.

everyone in the crowd began cheering and chanting as victoria and aaron started telling short stories about dylan and kai.


"THEY WERE THE SWEETEST PEOPLE, HAD THE SWEETEST SOULS!! THEY BOTH HAD LOVING FAMILIES AND AMAZING FUTURES UNTIL THEY WERE KILLED IN COLD BLOOD!!" victoria announced making everyone shout in protest, more police seemed to be arriving along with more and more people.

a lifelineNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ