68 (edited)

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trigger warning - the next day ( friday * 2 pm * )

victoria had already been to dance and wandered straight up to bed as soon as she got back into the house, she pulled on a sweater and sweatpants before flopping into bed and pulling her blanket up to her chin.

"tori? you okay babe?" erin walked into victorias room and shut the door behind her before sitting next to victoria.

"just drained i guess.. i just want to be okay for once in my life.. even if its only for a few hours" victoria sighed.

"you'll get there soon baby.. i promise." erin assured, she laid beside victoria and hugged her tightly as she layered kisses on the top of her head.

4 pm -

victoria ended up falling asleep but when she woke up she wandered downstairs and sat with diego on the sofa.

"hey bud, what are you doing?" victoria asked.

"playing chess on my phone!" diego grinned.

"sounds fun, wheres mom and dad?" victoria questioned.

"moms in the backyard and dad is out on a run i think" diego informed.

victoria kissed the top of diegos head before walking out to the backyard.

"hey sweetheart, you sleep okay?" erin smiled and looked to victoria as she sat on the floor.

"yeah" victoria nodded.

"how would you feel about going out for dinner tonight with the unit and few people from the firehouse?" erin asked.

"sounds good to me, ill just make sure i wear a jacket" victoria smiled sadly.

"you dont need to cover yourself just to please other people, you wear whatever you like baby" erin assured.

"i love you" victoria got off the floor and hugged erin.

"i love you too" erin ran her hands through victorias hair and kissed her forehead.

victoria went back inside and walked to the kitchen to grab some wipes out of the first aid kit as she was going to take the bandages off and clean the cuts and replace the bandages with clean ones.

"hey baby, what are you doing?" antonio walked through the front door and walked into the kitchen whilst victoria was grabbing the wipes.

"just getting some wipes and bandages to clean my cuts and put fresh bandages on" victoria informed.

"okay, did mom tell you about going to dinner in a few hours?" antonio asked whilst getting a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"yeah, not exactly sure what i should wear because i dont want to be stared at.." victoria sighed.

"wear whatever you like mí amor" antonio kissed the side of victorias head and made his way upstairs.

victoria then followed upstairs and went to her room to begin changing, she started off by straightening her hair and then changed into a black dress, heels and a leather jacket along with some sunglasses for accessory.

victoria then followed upstairs and went to her room to begin changing, she started off by straightening her hair and then changed into a black dress, heels and a leather jacket along with some sunglasses for accessory

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