73 (edited)

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trigger warning -

"tori! eva! will you both come on this water slide with me?!" diego asked eagerly.

"you know what? sure lets go buddy" victoria smiled and took diegos hand in her own as she, eva and diego made their way over to the waterslide, erin and antonio waited until she was no longer in view to continue their conversation as everyone had been asking about victorias arms..

"she doing okay? probably a dumb question but.." jay asked.

"the last few days have been really tough for her, she's getting there slowly but itll take time.." erin smiled sadly.

jay nodded understandingly before walking off to a random food stall with mouse.

a few minutes passed by and victoria and diego returned, diego with a huge grin across his face and victoria with somewhat of a smile across hers.

"how was it?" antonio smiled.

"it was so fast!!" diego grinned from ear to ear as he explained what the waterslide was like whilst victoria ran her hands over her face to let her self relax for a second as it was barely half through the day and she was tired of putting up an act.

"you doing okay sweetheart?" erin asked.

"just tired.." victoria smiled sadly, she wasn't exactly lying.. was she?

"we can go back to the resort if you like?" erin offered with a sad smile.

"no i'll be okay.. don't want to ruin this for everyone else.." victoria assured, she let out a deep sigh as she prepared herself to fake smile for the next few hours until she was blessed with being able to lay in her bed and just think about her god awful life..

few hours later (at the resort - 3 pm) -

victoria had changed into a hoodie and shorts as soon as she got back to her villa and instantly got into her bed, she wasn't exactly planning on going to sleep she mainly just wanted to think and be alone for a while.

she laid in bed for a good hour before getting up and taking herself on a little wander, for whatever reason she felt agitated and frustrated with her self and had the perfect idea when she stopped outside of a flea market that just so happened to be selling off licensed switch blades..

"what can i do for a lovely lady like you today?" an old bald man asked.

"yeah im looking to buy a pocket knife" victoria fake smiled at the man who was clearly more interested in her body.

"alright, take your pick darling.. on the house" he smirked.

victoria pulled a face however after a few seconds she chose out a knife that she liked and left the store immediately after being handed it.

she played with the knife in her hand as she wandered the streets of thailand until she eventually came across an alleyway, tori walked down the alley and slumped against a random wall as she began thinking where on her body should she bless with some deep red lines..

wrists? maybe..
thighs? maybe..?
ankles? its a possibility.
ribcage? no.
chest? definitely not.
hips? maybe..?

after finally deciding where to plant the cuts she picked the switchblade up from the floor and pulled her hoodie up to reveal her hips slightly.

victoria took a deep, shaky breath before digging the end of the blade into her skin and dragging along so that the cut was a reasonable length.

she repeated this exact same process a few times on both hips, she also managed to make more cuts on both of her arms before pulling her self off of the floor and dragging herself back to the resort.

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