63 (edited)

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* after the holiday - a few weeks later (skipping to april 2nd) *

* major trigger warning for this entire chapter *

everyone had only arrived back in chicago a day ago and were all dreading going back to work in a weeks time however victoria was more stressed about the fact that someone had sent her nudes around.

now victoria wasn't the type to send nudes or even take them for that matter up until a week ago when a boy she barely knew started blackmailing her and sending threats to her, the threats all consisted of him saying he would rape victoria over and over again until she died which made her feel unbelievably sick.

she honestly believed he would do it too as he somehow knew her address, had her location and even knew the names of all her friends and her family.

tori hadn't told anyone about the recent events taking place in her life and thought she wouldn't have to until people started sending her the photos that she sent to thomas, the boy that was blackmailing her.

the thing about thomas is that he didn't ever see victoria in person, the two barely knew eachother and only started talking to eachother after ellie tagged victoria in a photo on snapchat so thomas added her and the two began talking which is how victoria found herself in the situation she was in.

victoria wasn't prepared to have to tell her parents about what was happening and was hoping she wouldn't need too as that would be an extremely awkward conversation.

"tori?" erin shouted up the stairs.

"yeah!" she shouted back and wiped the tears coming from her eyes.

"we're heading to the district if you wanna come? hank wants us to sort some paperwork out?!" erin stated.

"yeah sure!!" victoria got off her bed and walked into her bathroom to make sure it wasn't obvious she had been crying before walking downstairs.

* at the district *

victoria avoided talking to anyone and walked straight into the breakroom and went on her phone, she had over 100 notifications all from people she barely knew.

she opened a few of the messages and they all consisted of the pictures she sent thomas with smart remarks like 'ur a slut', she figured it would just be a matter of time until she would need to tell someone about the situation but didn't have a chance as erin walked into the breakroom and immediately showed victoria her phone screen..

toris heart dropped when she saw the pictures of her own body on erins screen, "wanna explain this?" erin asked.

victoria was frozen, her eyes were filling with tears and she couldn't help but let them slip down her cheeks.

"you weren't supposed to see those.." victoria whispered.

"well we've all been sent them, want to explain why im seeing this?" erin swiped through the photos.

"you wouldn't understand.." victoria looked away from erins phone screen and looked over to the window.

"no im pretty sure i do. why are you sending people photos like this victoria?" erin sighed.

"you. dont. get. it." victorias voice cracked as she got off the sofa and walked straight through the bullpen not bothering to look at anyone.

victoria stormed out of the district and had no idea where she was going to go, all she knew was she couldn't be around people who have no idea why she does what she does.

she pulled her phone out of her pocket and looked at the amount of missed calls she had from erin, antonio and other members of intelligence.

she just wanted to be alone however that wouldn't be possible with thomas stood infront of her.

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