36 (edited)

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*trigger warning⚠️❗️*

"victoria?!" the call had ended however victoria was somewhat conscious and could hear people shouting her name, something about them finding her the way she was gave her a good amount of adrenaline to get up and start running again.

"over there! victoria stop running!" hank shouted and pointed over to victoria who was stumbling over her own feet as she kept running further and further away.

"just stop fucking chasing me!" victoria shouted and looked behind her, she could see the entirety of the intelligence unit and around 12 other cops all chasing her.

"victoria stop running!" adam shouted.

"i swear to fucking god if you keep chasing me ill tackle you all one by fucking one!" victoria threatened, she just wanted to be left alone but with the amount of cops chasing her that would definitely not be possible.

"tori, please just stop running!!" erin begged.

"what did ellie say when you called her huh?! cos i know fine well you called her!" victoria stood still, her vision was going blurry from the tears flowing out of her eyes and her body was getting weaker and weaker.

erin sighed, "she said 'we all tried helping her but you cant save someone who doesn't want to be saved'..".

"just leave me alone please.. wether you want to admit it or not, im falling apart and its killing me.. im just slowly killing myself at this point so why dont i just do it properly now instead of waiting until my habits do.." victoria broke down.

"victoria dont think like that" antonio walked closer to her slowly.

"im telling the truth. im a teenage drug addict, i cut my self at every chance i have.. im constantly focused on keeping everyone else alive when in reality im fucking drowning in my own shit. please just leave me alone" victoria was preparing herself to run again as she noticed a few other cop's trying to circle her.

"look none of us are mad, we just want to get you the help you need baby" antonio hadnt picked up on victorias desperation to run.

"if they come even a step closer i will start fucking running i dont care what happens." victoria warned.

"they're just tryna help sweetheart" erin stated.

"nah fuck that, as soon as they get the chance they're gunna cuff me" victoria shook her head and started running again, she noticed a fence nearby so she continued running until she got to it.

she hopped the fence quickly and looked back at everyone chasing her down, she didn't even hesitate to keep running down alleys and busy streets despite her bodys aching desire to collapse.

"victoria!!" al shouted, he and hank seemed to be the closest to her since they followed her in the car and the others chased her by foot.

"tori, stop running kid. c'mon get in the car" hank drove beside victoria.

"no can do, even if i want to i know ill get taken to the hospital then put in the pysch ward immediately and im not fucking staying there" she laughed to herself.

"trust me kiddo, we all just want you safe and even if you keep running your body will eventually cave.. like you said yourself youve taken god knows how many drugs" al stated the obvious.

"ah thanks for reminding me i still got some coke" victoria bolted down another alleyway that hanks car couldnt fit through and climbed a wall about 8ft tall.

she sat on the wall and pulled the remaining cocaine out of her pocket and poured it onto her phone screen then separated it into 2 lines, she grabbed her rolled up dollar and begun snorting the lines just as al and hank came to the wall.

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